Chapter 20

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After a day of being dragged through a mall filled with sticky floors, rude people, and constantly being kicked into dressing rooms, I was exhausted. I can't believe Ian ditched me, and made me do that! I complained in my head as my body collapsed onto the bed. The clock reading 2 P.M, I groaned, Eliza and I had been shopping for four hours. I hate shopping.

I grabbed Ian's pillow and hugged it to my chest, breathing in his intoxicating scent and smiled. Where is Ian? I've hardly got to see him at all, and it's my birthday after all. I should be spending the whole day with him, no? I want to be kissed by his soft lips. Hold his warm, comforting, healing hands. Laugh at his jokes, and giggle at his adorable romantic gestures that made me fall in love with him the first place. I need Ian.

Awoken for the third time today, I glared up at Eliza. She jumped on my bed with a big grin plastered to her flawless face. I groaned, pulling the covers over my head. Eliza jumped closer, bouncing around. Pulling off the covers with frustration, I glared up at Eliza who simply, kept jumping and smiling.

"Okay, what? I'm awake! You're only this annoying when you want something." I hissed, sitting up. Eliza hopped off the bed and smiled.

"You know me so well." Then blew a kiss in my direction.

"So what do you want?" I questioned, rubbing the sleep from my eyes for the third time today.

"You need to get dressed and come to my room when you're done, I have an surprise for you." She finished, winking before skipping out of the room, her thick, blond curls bouncing with each step. I laid back down for a while, thinking about my mom again, how I missed her. I smiled weakly up at the glow-in-the-dark stars Ian had graciously put up for me. I wish she was here.

Finally I got out of bed and took a quick shower, waking me up. I pulled my messy hair into a thick bun, and rifled through my clothes. I put on some fitted dark blue flare jeans, a white tank top with a black sweatshirt, and some light mascara with clear gloss. I headed for Eliza's room, forgetting my shoes.  

Raising an hand to knock, the door suddenly swung open.

"Come in." Eliza smiled, stepping to the side and gesturing a hand inside. Closing the door behind her, she sat me on her bed, rushing over to her closet and reached for the top shelf. Great, more clothes, I thought running an hand over my face.

Dropping my hand to my lap, I noticed Eliza sitting next to me. Werewolf speed. Held in her lap was an neatly wrapped lavender shoebox. A birthday present, I smiled, meeting her eyes.

"Is that for me?" I whispered, my eyes surely sparkling with excitement and joy. She nodded, smiling warmly, and handed it to me. The shoe-box present was wrapped in pale lavender paper, and tied with a big white bow. Tears blurred my vision and I quickly wiped them away before they could drop, and soil the lovely wrapping. My first birthday gift in 6 years. I smiled at Eliza, she smiled back, pulling me into an embracing hug. She kissed my temple lightly.

"Happy birthday sweetie." She breathed in my ear. A few more tears rolled down my cheeks before Eliza pulled back and lingered an hand on my cheek, wiping them away. "Now open the present girl! I didn't buy it so you could look at it." Eliza sassed kindly, still smiling. I laughed and looked at the box.

We moved to sit on the center of the bed, Eliza towards the end and I next to the pillows. The box settled in front of us.

I placed my hand on the top, and tore the paper from the box. The now shredded paper laid in torn pieces on the floor and held in my hands a shoe box. Only inside wasn't shoes, it was more boxes. I gave Eliza the 'really' look and she smiled, pulling out an velvet red box.

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