Chapter 1 (Picture of Hannah)

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Ever since I was seven years old, I have felt like Cinderella. Only instead of just losing my mother, I lost both my parents. My father was killed before I was born, leaving my mother to raise me on her own up to my sixth birthday. Three weeks after my sixth birthday, I came home to find a stranger kissing my mom. She then explained she was getting married to this stranger. His name is Mike. She first met him at Urban Monkey's while she worked as a waitress. After having me, she ran into him again, approximately a month ago, and they just "clicked" as my mother explained it.

I was ecstatic with their marriage. I had always wanted a father. Mike was nice and he always bought me candy and gave me piggy back rides around the house, and sometimes we went out shopping as a family. I finally had a happy and loving, whole family. I couldn't of been more happy. Mom and Mike had been married for a year now, and tomorrow was going to be my seventh birthday. I could hardly sleep I was so excited. My first birthday with a dad there to celebrate it with me.

I woke up early and my mom helped dress me in a lilac sundress with matching sandals. She braided my long, brown hair, and tied it with a purple bow. I knew the day was going to be perfect! I got on the bus with a smile on my face, excited for the best day of my life. 

My day at school was wonderful. My class sung Happy Birthday Hannah and I got to sit on the spiny chair in the front of the class. We had cupcakes too, my mother and I bought the night before. Even on the bus they sang Happy Birthday. Not once did the smile leave my face. Hoping off the bus it did though.

Where is Mommy? Looking around after the bus left, I still couldn't see her. I walked home alone, small hands clutching my backpack straps. Perhaps they are hiding at home with a surprise party? I thought optimistically. Taking the large steps to my front door, I shiver chilled my bones. The front door stood ajar, the house dark. Pushing the door open and walking in, my purple flats tapping lightly to the wood floor, I called out to Mom and Mike.

"Mommy? Mike? Momma?" I called out, looking around. I tightened my hands around my backpack straps as I cautiously looked around. "Hello?" I called again. I'm home, I'm ready to be surprised, I whispered to myself in my head.

I stopped when I entered the living room. Slouched on our blue jean couch sat Mike. His head rested in his palm, as if he was thinking intensely, the other holding a glass bottle of something. I peered at the bottle. I recognized the bottle as the one I saw a week ago in the cabinet in the basement. I wasn't allow near them. Momma told me it was forbid to open it, and only adults were allowed.

"Mike?" I questioned, walking around so I was in front of him. His hair was an absolute mess and his eyes were closed. For a minute I thought he was asleep. I moved to tap his shoulder and wake him up. "Mike?"

He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me. I felt my body freeze in fear as his eyes were full of anger and he was looking straight at me. 

“You.” Mike spat, his voice full of venom. “This is all your fucking fault!” 

My breath caught in my throat at his harsh words. What had I done?

“Mike, you aren’t supposed to use that word. Mommy said–” But I was cut off as Mike grabbed my right arm roughly, shaking me.  

“Don’t fucking talk about her, you bitch!” Mike shouted, spit flying from his lips. He started to shake me back and forth. I was starting to feel sick when he suddenly stopped shaking me. He pushed me backwards and I tripped and fell onto my back. I let out a yelp when I hit the ground, both from the pain and in surprise. I scrambled away from Mike as he started to advance on me, his eyes large and frightening.

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