Chapter 12

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I was a burning, why am I burning? If I was with Oliver's I would be happy and in Oliver's arms, why aren't I now.

I fluttered open my eyes and everything stung at them and burned. Ah! I felt around for something to indicate where I was, but nothing, just fire. Just hard, burning metal. God where am I?

I jumped up and tried to get my eyes adjusted to the lights faster, what ever is burning me hurts like hell!

"Hey look your awake." Said a voice not to far away. I opened my eyes when they got used to the light and saw a man, about 20, standing a few feet from me.

"Who are you? How did I get here? What do you want? Where am I?" I asked moving my feet so they weren't touching the silver metal. I looked around me and I was in a cage, a silver one too. I had burns already on my arms and legs, a little on my waist too.

"Hold on a minute, one question at a time." He said taking a step closer. This guy had black hair that went over his eyes and was tall. He looked scary, why did he kidnap me?

"What do you want?" I asked confidently, I didn't want it to seem that I was scared of him, but I think I failed.

"I want Hannah, but the only way to get her is threaten her with a trade. You for her, she cares to much about you to risk anything happening to you. And I don't to go into a house full of werewolves to get a girl I'm just going to kill." He said, what he wanted Hannah? To kill her? Oh my god!

"Why do you want Hannah? She will never fall for your trick," Lie! "Ian won't let her leave his sight." I said to him. He sighed and looked down at his feet shaking his head.

"Well you see, tomorrow night they are going to send out a search party for you. Hannah's already got my note for her to meet me in order to save you. Smart girl." He said smiling. I blinked and reality came back. Hannah was smart, but not when it came to her family or friends. Then she was stupid, she WOULD do anything to save someone she loved. Already losing so much, she couldn't handle losing someone else. This is so not good.

"Who are you?" I whispered. He smiled an cold hearted smile.


****Hannah's Pov!****

It's been a day since Eliza's gone missing, and the house house in is chaos. Oliver hasn't stopped throwing things or freaking out since she's left. God, is that what happens when you lose your mate, that's horrible. I know it was Reed who took Eliza too, but I can't tell anyone. Ian has a feeling I'm keeping something from him and I am.

The night of when Oliver told us she was missing I went up to my room. I saw on my bed was a peice of paper. I picked it up and read,

Dearest Hannah,

I have a feeling you who know this is because your a smart girl. I have Eliza and if you ever want to see her again your going to have to meet me at Fuller Park at twilight tomorrow. Come alone and the girl will be safely returned.

~Your friend Reed

I shivered at the note, he has Eliza. I knew it, but how can I get out of the house without Ian knowing.

"Hannah." Ian said suddenly behind me. I put the note in my pocket and turned to him.

"Y-yes?" I crocked out. I was crying now. For both Eliza and myself. I don't want to go back to Reed, he'll hurt me and that would hurt Ian. But i have to save Eliza, she needs me.

"Hannah, don't cry. It's OK, will get Eliza back. I promise, were going on a search for her tomorrow night." Ian cooed, I buried my face in his chest, if only he knew the real reason I was crying.


Everyone was gone, they all just left for the search. A few members stayed back to watch over us, so it was difficult to get out. I managed to sneak downstairs and out the front door, but I knew they would notice my absence soon enough.

I left a note for Ian though, telling him I loved him and I left to save Eliza. I was sure that Eliza would describe everything to him later when she’s safe. Reed will want to know he has me, I hope Ian doesn't come searching for me. I don't want him to get hurt.

It was cold at the park, I'm sure that at any moment Reed will appear and Eliza will be safe again, god I hope he keeps his promise. I stood up after waiting for 5 minutes, I was about to walk over to the swings when something hit my legs and I flipped over. I heard someone scream, it was Eliza.

My back and legs hurt, when I opened my eyes there was Eliza crying being held by some guy, but it wasn't Reed. He was standing over me smiling, bat in hand. Shit!

"Hey Hannah, I've missed you." He said kicking my stomach. Eliza screamed again and then the guy slapped her. She whimpered and fell to the ground.

"Eliza, go." I whispered to her, she looked at me with worry, horror, and guilt, and regret.

"I wont leave you Hannah." She whispered back to me, crawling over to me. She was about to hug me when someone picked her up holding her straight facing an angry Reed.

"You've been a good girl Eliza, you can go now." Reed said to her. The guy holding her threw her head first into the metal pole holding the swing. I screamed and started hitting Reeds chest, he just smiled and grabbed my wrists. I was defenseless.

"You promised you wouldn't hurt her." I screamed. He smiled and shook his head.

"I said she would be returned safely. Not that I wouldn't hurt her, I told her if she screamed she would get hurt. Her fault, anyway. I'm guessing Oliver heard her or smells her blood so all we have to do is leave and have him find her. But I want Ian to know I have you so were going to do this." Reed said smiling more. He's teeth changed to a million sharp needles and he dung them into my neck. I shouted in pain as he sunk them deeper into my neck. I started to get woozy and things started to tilt. I lost balance and fell.

Reed swung me over his shoulder and left. I would've screamed in pain, but now every things changing. My body's getting numb as I go alone, what's happening? Why did he bit me?

Oh god, Werewolves, not Vampires too!


Vampires? Yes? No? Comment and tell me if you don't like the idea? What's going to happen to Hannah? Eliza? Ian? All this is crazy!




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