Chapter 21

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It’s nearly 4:50 and the sky was beginning to fading in color and the shadows that once were, are slowly disappeared. The sun setting quickly before our eyes. Ian stopped the car and quickly jogged over to open my door, taking my hand as I stepped out. I closed the door behind me as I looked around at all the forest plants and towering trees next and above us. 

“What is all this?” I questioned, walking beside him as he led me towards the trees. Ian smiled but said nothing, continuing to pull us deeper into the forest. 

Ian stopped walked, I coming to a halt next to him. He stood in front of me a wide grin formed on

his beautiful lips, “Wait here.” he commanded. I did. 

Ian moved forward 3 paces until he was standing in front of a willow tree. It’s hanging leaves and branches hiding us. Ian then held out his hand, ushering for me to take it. 

“Ian,” I said, taking his comforting hand in mine. “What are you doing?” Ian just smiled more while pulled me towards him so I was standing a foot away from the willow tree.

“Happy Birthday Hannah.” And he opened pulled away the branches of the willow.

I gasped in awe. 

Crystalizing salt water sparkled from the body of water in front of me, completely exposed. Willow trees surrounded the lakes edge, making it seem like we’re the only ones here. It was so romantic. 

“Ian, this is...” I trailed off, mesmerized by the scenery. “Magical.” I breathed. Ian wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, holding me against him.

“I’m glad you like it.” Ian’s breath caressing my neck, sending tingles of desire throughout my body, causing me to shiver. 

“I love it. Thank you.” I said, my eyes scanning the lake, only to see a snow white boat swaying with the water. I grinned ear to ear, looking at Ian with excitement.

“Come on.” he said, pulling me forward. 

I carefully stepped into the boat, it rocking with my weight, startling me a bit. I stumbled onto the seat in front and laughed, finding all this just so amazing. Ian got in after, seated across from me, his body facing mine. I smiled at him and he smiled back, his beautiful eyes glowing with wonder as I was sure mine were too. 

He grabbed the rows and started us on our journey, seeing as how this wasn’t even the main surprise. I felt like Allie from The Notebook, seeing as how I was being rowed through this magical lake, willow trees as our shelter, being lead to somewhere special by my one true love. 

I turned and watched Ian, his strong arms moving as he pushed the rows into the water. He glanced at me and smiled, not really talking, but saying so much with his lips and glowing eyes as our eyes stayed connected. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his, only for a second, savoring the feel and tingle of his lips on mine. 

“I love you Hannah.” Ian whispered, peaking me one again before moving the boat more to the right. 

I chuckled lightly, “I love you more.” And kissed him again, only this time on the nose.

Ian looked ahead of me and grinned more, “Were here.” 

In excitement I spun around to see more willow trees, but a sandy edge leading up to another cover of willow branches.

I looked at Ian in confusion, “More willow branches? That’s not my surprise is it, if so then-”

I was cut off when Ian started to laugh, “No, I’m not that lame. It’s behind them.” He said, pointing again at the willow trees.

I grinned amusingly, “As long as behind those willow branches their aren’t more willows.” I said smart-ass-ly, causing Ian to chuckle and shake his head.

Ian jumped out of the boat, causing a small splash, and pulled the boat onto land, holding out his hand to help me out of the boat. I gladly took his hand in mine, as I jumped out of the water. Ian put his arm around my waist as we walked up to the next cover of branches. I shook my head in laughter.

Ian lifted me up the edge and gentle settled me back down. I held his other hand tightly as I finally noticed a faint glow coming from behind the willow leaves. My breath hitched with excitement, curious of what could be hidden behind the curtain of willow branches. 

I stepped forward and pulled the the branches to the side. I lifted my hand to my mouth in awe. Set out before us was a trail of glass jars, different color candles lit in each one making it like a trail of glowing rainbows. It was beautiful!

I held Ian’s hand in mine as I started to follow the trail of magic rainbow lights, up  a small hill until we came into a clearing. Scattered everywhere were hundreds of glowing rainbow lights, lighting up the whole place since trees covered the setting sun.  In the middle of the meadow, which I recognized as our meadow Ian brought me too when I first began to know him, was a circle of rose petals with a ruby red blanket laid out, the perfect little picnic set up.

“Ian–this is amazing. Thank you.” I held his face in my hands and passionately pressed my lips to his.

“I’m glad you like it.” Ian responded after I pulled away, kissing my neck.

“I love it.” I whispered, grinning from ear to ear as I looked around the magical scenery before me.

After a wonderful night of food, jokes and laughter, dancing in the moonlight, and lots of kissing, Ian carried me back to the car and all the way home before bring me upstairs to our room, laying me gently on our bed. He removed my jeans and he removed his pants and shirt before getting in and wrapping an arm around my waist, I snuggling close to his chest and finding comfort in his warmth, smell, and love.

“Happy birthday Hannah.” I whispered before kissing my lips, cheeks, nose, and forehead before closing his eyes as well, each of us falling into a tranquil slumber.

Stretching out my arms and legs, I inhaled sharply, a lovely scent of roses filled my nose. I slowly peeped open one of my eyes and glanced around the room. Scattered on the bed and floor was a bunch of rose petals, surrounding me. I gasped as I took in the beautiful scent and sight, smiling from ear to ear. I noticed Ian walk in from the door, smiling, yet looking nervous. What about, I have no clue. 

“Ian did you do all this? It’s beautiful!” I noted, smiling at him as I got up from the bed. I went and stood in front of Ian, rubbing my hands up his arms. I pressed my lips to his tenderly, when Ian grabbed my waist and back of my head, holding me strong to him, turning the kiss into a hungry one. I tangled my hand in his hair, loving the silky feel it had. As quickly as it happened, it ended, but before I could say anything Ian was suddenly bending down onto one knee. I was speechless.

 Ian opened his mouth and started to speak. 

“Hannah Maia Beack, ever since the day I saw you I’ve loved you. Ever since I first saw your lips speak, I wanted to kiss you. Ever since the moment I kissed you, I knew I wanted to marry you. You are my best friend and my soul mate. I love you more than anyone, even you, could imagine. You are my shinning star and warming fire. I couldn’t possibly think of living any moment of my life without you since I first laid eyes on you, so–what do you say? Marry me?” Ian finished, opening the small, black velvet box that contained the most exquisite engagement ring. A thin gold band held a square shaped design, a single diamond captivated inside it’s own square. It was beautiful.

Ian stayed frozen, anxiously looking up at me with nervous, loving, awaiting eyes. 

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