Chapter 4

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Hannah’s P.O.V

I was working on my math homework when someone sat a plate of chocolate chip banana bread in front of me. I froze and cautiously looking up to see the boy from today at school, the one who saved me from Max. I looked into his boys eyes and they shown of love and care, with a little bit of worry. Gosh, who is this guy? Is he following me? He is going to get me in trouble and just cause my step dad to beat me more. This was the worst day ever...

"Um. Who are you?" I asked coldly. I need this boy to think I didn't like him, then maybe he would leave me alone. His eyes dropped with sadness. Oh no, I shouldn't be mean. I mean, he was just trying to be nice anyway, and he saved me too, I owed him. I forced a smile on my face, he grinned hugely at me.

"Hi! I'm Ian Markison, I'm new to your school." he said, giving me a sparkling smile. I smiled back. Oh right, he was the new kid. The hot new kid. "What's your name?" He asked, still smiling like a little boy on Christmas morning. Why would he want to know my name? I was just a loser, freak who cut herself. Well, at least to my class mates I was. "I-I am Hannah Beack." I stuttered pitifully. I hardly talked so my pronunciation was rusty. "Um, is this for me or something?" I asked quietly, pointing to the banana bread.

"Oh, yeah! That’s for you, if you want it?" he said, still smiling. Dude, what was his deal? Why is he looking at me like that? Okay, well he was pretty cool to give me banana bread, it was my favorite. 

I picked it up and took a bite. Tt was magnificent! I have never tasted anything so good. I haven't really tasted anything lately, besides an apple every once and a while, then sometimes Sam would give me a sandwich he paid for. He was so sweet. He was my only friend. I don't know what I would do without him.

Ian saw that I liked the bread, he smiled bigger, if that's even possible. He was smiling so much I think his face hurt yet he didn't seem to care. I was about to say something when I heard someone call my name. I looked up to see Sam waving his arm, gesturing for me to come over.

"Excuse me, I'll be right back." I said politely to Ian before getting up to talk to Sam.

Sam Collin is one of my best friends. He's the first person I've ever told about Mike and his abuse, well besides Eliza. At first he'd try to convince me to tell someone, but for some reason I kept it a secret and told him to not tell anyone. He promised he wouldn’t. But he makes sure to take care of me. He would always make sure that I got home on time, so I didn't get in trouble or be late.

I quickly walked over and asked, "Is it time?"

"Yes, it's — oh my God, are you okay? Your cheek..." Sam asked, his voice trailing off with both anger and sadness. Sam lifted a hand to lightly touch my cheek, "Did he do this?" Yep, Sam was angry, I could tell. His eyes showed it all.

"No, my new step brother." I whispered back, making sure no one else heard. I could tell that Sam was angry, He wanted me to let someone know about what my dad, and now step brother, did, but I made him promise not too. 

"It's almost five, you should go. I would hurry too, don't want to get in trouble." He replied, his tone worrisome. I sighed and nodded before smiling sadly at him and turning to pack my things. Ian watched as I gathered my things and shoved them into my bag.

"Where are you going?" He asked sadly.

I took a deep breath before answering. I hated to have to leave. I really actually enjoyed his company. He made me feel like I wasn't alone, that someone actually cared about me. I know it's a insane thought, but I didn't care, it was something besides loneliness and pain. I put the last of my things in my bag before standing up and replying, "I've got to go home, my step dad gets angry if I'm not home on time." I answered. If only he knew the real reason. 

I wasn't sure why, but I felt like I could trust this boy. When I first looked into his eyes, I felt a electric shock go though me. Like I was the only girl in the world and that we were supposed to be together. I can't really explain it, it was just something that happened.

Ian frowned up at me with sad eyes. I hated to see him sad, but I had to go. "Okay, well can I at least give you a ride home?" He asked hopefully. As much as I wanted to say yes, I had to say no. If my dad saw me come home with someone he would stick my head underwater till I was almost passed out then lock me in my room for days without water or food. I know from experience.

"No, it's okay, I can walk. I live close anyway. Thanks though." I said, giving him a fake smile. Without another word, I left, hurrying out of the store, not wanting to be late getting home. 

When I reached my house, I saw that all the lights were on and my step brothers car was in the driveway, so was my dads. Great, no way I am going to get to my room in one piece. I actually hoped I would run into my dad. I didn't want to see my step brother. He was worse then my dad. I shivered at last nights memory.

I quietly and slowly opened the door, checking to make sure the coast was clear before closing the door behind me silently and heading up to my bedroom. I got up the stairway without running into any one, which was strange considering I've never made it to my room without one encounter. I opened my bedroom door and shut it as quiet as possible. I was still facing the door when I hear my bed mattress squeak. I froze. Someone got up from my bed and walking towards me, stopped right behind me. I knew who it was, I was just to afraid to turn around so I just stayed.

He grabbed my waist and spun me around forcefully, so I was facing him. He gave me another one of his creepy smiles before trying to pulled off my shirt. I shouted and fought back, but he just kept taking off more clothes. He was about to put his hand under my bra when I put both my hands on his shoulders and used all my strength to knee him in the crotch.

He cried out and fell to the ground. I turned around and ran though the door and down the hall. I did the mistake off looking behind me as I neared the stair and screamed when I ran into someone. I looked up with tears in my eyes as Mike smiled at me with all his yellow and crooked teeth. I continued to struggle, but I wasn't strong enough. Mike smiled and pushed me backwards, causing me to fall right back into the arms of none other than my monstrous step brother.

"I said you could have her if you keep her quiet. I don’t need the neighbors getting curious!" he hissed to Reed. I knew my step dad was evil, but he had never sunk this low before. Reed just nodded before pulling me away. Tears were blurring my vision more now and I could tell my strength was reseeding. I wasn't going to be able to fight them off much longer.

I decided to make one last run for it, so I slipped my body under and out of Reed's arms and pushed Mike over before running for the stairs. I was about to reach the stairs when something hard hit my head. I went crashing to the ground, my head hitting the wall. I laid there motionless and weak before looking up and nearly screamed.

Across from me was Mike, lying on the floor with something big and black on top of him. He shouting for help and he put his arms deafeningly in front of his face. I pulled hair from my face and stared at the picture before me. 

On top of Mike was a wolf. A big one at that. It looked to be the size of a SUV. It was black and clawed at Mike's body ferociously, ripping him to spreads. I cried out in fear. I need to move! If he was doing this to Mike, I was sure to be next and I couldn't handle any more pain. 

I jumped up and ran to my bedroom and hid under my bed, just like when I was 7 and Mike had hit me for the first time. I couldn't stay quite with my heavy breathing and uncontrollable sobs, so I just put my head in my hands. I closed my eyes as I cried and hide. 

Suddenly, my bedroom door swung open and someone pulled me out from under the bed. I didn't get to get a glance at his person before they punched me in the face and threw me head first into the wall. I fell back to the floor and closed my eyes, then sharp pain came from my head, legs, arms, and back. I looked up to see Reed hitting me with a baseball bat. My eyes shot open as I watched the bat come swinging into the back of my skull, I heard someone shout just as I fell into darkness.

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