Chapter one

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"More than a 7 billion smiles in this world and only yours give me enough reasons to stay, enough reasons to smile with you"

The Parkers, one of the greatest pureblood family's out of all history. They simply lived their life, made more generations and slowly became one of the most beloved family's in the whole wizarding world.

They didn't thought that being a non-pureblood was wrong or something that you should be ashamed of, we're al wizards, there's not something like a stupid bloodstatus that can prove if you are worthy or not. That's what they've always told people, learned people. But of course the other pure blood family's thought different about that, they believed that they where better and stronger, they believed in they're own pure power. This is the reason why my parents got killed or at least I think that's the reason. Why would you kill such a beloved family if the only thing they did wrong was appreciate other wizardarding family's?

Well this whole story began twelve years ago, Maria and Otto Parker were my parents. Now known as the warriors for justice, or for some nothing more than the disgrace of the pure-blood name of course.

I was three years old, not knowing where it was all about and why those family's hated mine so much. But now I know why and how they are going to let us pay for it, but it isn't me and my parents anymore, it's just me. I have to live my life not knowing when it will al fall apart, as punishment for the opinion of my parents and the thoughts of the pure-blood family's. As punishment from the one and only; Voldemort.

And here I am, Olivia Eve Parker, now at the age of 15. Living my peacefully life for how long it is still possible. People always expect me to be scared or worried about my future, but why think about the future if you can choose to be happy now? I don't want to brag but my life is amazing so why ruin it at only thinking of the bad things that could happen? I have the best friends you could possibly wish for and I'm doing great on school, I'm just living my best life, like everyone at this age should.

Or at least I was living my best life, it was end of year fourth as the life of Cedric Diggory came to an end. I was broken when I heard about what had happend in the tournament. Cedric was like a brother to me, our parents where best friends so we technically grew up together. His father and mother took me in after mine died, they took care of me, acted like I was one of theirs. I felt loved, as if it was my real family and so that's what I call it. My family.


"Liv!" I heard my friend yelling my name as I ran down the long corridors. I felt my eyes burning from the amount of tears i had already spilled, they streamed down my pink colored cheeks as my body met with a cold breeze from outside. It had just happend, I found out about the truth of Cedrics dead and i knew that this was only the beginning.

"liv, please talk to me, please stop" Once again my friend was calling my name, it was Hannah, Hannah Abbot. She had been one of my best friends since first year. I had never told her about the reason my parents died, I didn't want anyone to know, they would treat me differently and that's the last thing I needed.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Hannah cupped my face in between her hands as she wiped a few tears away. "Yeah, I-uhm I'm okay. Don't worry about me." I gave her a reassuring smile as she pulled me into a tight hug.

"It's okay to cry Liv, remember that." I nodded, it had been a few weeks after Cedric died but I could still feel the tension in the hufflepuff coming room. It just wasn't the same without him and everyone felt it. If only I could tell her what the real reason was why he got killed but I couldn't. I couldn't life with the idea of Hannah getting killed for knowing, just like Cedric. I'm still full of regret that i told him what really happened those twelve years ago, maybe if he didn't know this would have never happened. It should've been me.

"Lets go to the common room and talk there alright? I think those classes of today can wait." Hannah gave me one more hug as she put her arm around my shoulder and started walking. Causing me to walk with her. I'm lucky with her as my best friend that's for sure.

Because this is my first :
Hello everyone! So welcome to my first story ever, I've never wrote any other book/story before so feel free to comment some tips or tricks! I promise that the upcoming chapters will be better and longer but I thought maybe y'all wanted a quick introduction on the story! Happy reading!

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