Chapter four

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Professor Mcgonagall was almost running into our direction "Mister Malfoy, Miss parkinson and Miss Evans come with me now!" Flora gave me a concerning look at the sight of my  bleeding head.

"Miss Parker, you should go see professor Pomfrey in the hospital wing, i'm sure she will check your wound for you." the professor walked away while shaking her head, clearly not pleased by the behavior of her students. 

Flora, Pansy and Malfoy followed her with irritated faces up to her office.

"ah i see, the more rest you take the faster it will heal" Professor Pomfrey gave me a simple healing potion for my head. "the bleeding has already stopped so you don't have to worry, it was just a scratch what looked worse than it really is, but you need to take some rest dear."

I gave the professor a quick nod and a thank you as I walked away through the big hospital doors.

"There you are, we were searching for you  everywhere!" Hannah runned up to Me and gave a tight hug. "we heard what happened, are you alright?" She cupped My face in her hands as she checked for any other scratches.

"Yeah i'm fine, just a bit dizzy from the smack that my head made that's all"  Peter gave me also a small smile as he offered me his hand which i gladly took. Malfoy did this to me. I can't believe it. Did he forget that we have the whole summer to spent together? Or does he just doesn't care? I hate that boy.

"Come on, we'll bring you to your dorm, you need to rest." Peter his voice interrupted my thoughts as I shot him a reassuring smile. "Thank you, gentleman." I spoke as he gave me a friendly nod.

It was around 3am as I woke up, my head pounding uncontrollably. The moon and stars were shining through my dorm windows which gave me enough  light to search for the healing potion that professor Pomfrey gave to me earlier this evening. I took a sip from the disgusting potion as i felt the headache calming down again. This was going to be a rough night. So it was. I haven't slept for a bit, not because of the headache but because of tomorrow.

"Liv, wake up" Hannah tugged slowly at my blanked which caused me to wake up. "W-what?"  I tried to adjust my eyes to the bright light in the room as i felt a cold breeze making me shiver. "Ugh Han why is it so cold in here?" Hannah gave a laugh at my comment as she walked to the window and closed it. "Because I know you hate anything that is cold and you had to wake up." I grabbed my want as I tried to hit her with a spell but she bent down just on time.
"Missed me." Hannah said with a smile.

"I'm going to the Great Hall to grab some dinner with Peter, the train is leaving in about an hour or two so make sure you aren't late okay?" with that Hannah left the room blowing a hand kiss to me.

After a few minutes of making myself ready I also headed up to the great hall to eat the last breakfast with my friends this year.  It was a tradition what we've always done since our first year. We eat every first and last meal of the year together while talking about our summers.

"Good Morning sunshine how's your head?" Peter greeted me as i took a plate and took a seat next to him. "A little better but it still hurts a little" I gave him a smile back and stole a piece of watermelon from his plate. "I guess you didn't sleep that well huh?" he pointed his finger at my purple eyebags "guessed right" I said as I gave a yawn at his comment which made him laugh. "Where's Hannah? She told me that she was grabbing dinner with you just a few minutes ago"

"With me? She told me that she was waiting for you, I thought that she headed up to wake you?" just as I  was about to say something we heard a hard laughter coming from the other side of the hall. Hannah.

She was sitting around the slytherin table together with a few familiar faces that Olivia recognized from last night.

"If you speak of the devil" Peter chuckled. "What is she doing there? It was supposed to be our last breakfast together for this year, we always do that!" I turned my gaze away from Hannah as I looked at Peter who had a wide grin on his face.

"Liv calm down, that's the boy where she told us about, look"  His finger pointed to a boy who sat on the right of her friend, he had a beautiful dark colored skin which matched his brown eyes perfectly. she had to admit it, Hannah had good taste. Really good taste.

A few seats to the right sat Malfoy, he looked irritated at some first years that were laughing extremely hard. As if he could feel the stare of me he looked up, right into my eyes once again.

I felt a soft shove to my shoulder which caused me to break the eye contact. Peter stood up as he talked but I obviously wasn't listening. "Come on, we should go get our stuff, the train is leaving soon."

He took my arm as we started to walk to the common room while doing some small talk about next year. I didn't notice but the blond boy's eyes were watching Peter and me as we walked out together, arms locked.

The chatter of my friends was faint in my ears, I  was too busy wondering how the Malfoys would spend their summer. I was still mad at the blond boy for what he did to my head, it was clear that he was full of his own ego, he simply did not care about anyone or anything except for himself. if he kept behaving like this it could turn into a very long summer for both of us.

"Liv, hey are you alright?" Flora placed one hand on my shoulder. "what yeah, of course just daydreaming" I gave her a smile as i joined the conversation of my friends. Trying to enjoy the time with my friends for the last time of our fourth year.

"So Han, tell us more about that mystery guy you were with this morning huh?" I gave her a wink as her face turned a slight pink color. "He is not a mystery guy, his name is Blaise Zabini." Floras eyes widened.

"no way Hannah, are you dating Blaise Zabini? He's a total ass you know that!"

"a total good looking ass you mean" I added to the comment of Flora what caused Peter to laugh."Could you talk any softer please?" Hannah's face was now bright red as she looked fast through the window of the compartment checking if somebody heard it. "were not dating okay? he's just kind to me thats all"

"sure girl, just kind to you that is probably also the reason why he keeps smiling at you." Peter's sarcastic comment made everyone laugh and before we knew we were already on platform 9¾ in London saying goodbye to each other...

Malloy manor, here I come.

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