Chapter sixteen

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"Mhmmm" I heard the soft noises Draco made as he woke up next to me. "What are you so happy for?" He asked as he saw the wide smile on my face."Nothing feels better than waking up next to your favorite person, believe me." I said as I gave him a soft kiss on the cheek and stood up to change into some normal clothes.

"Where do you think your going?" Draco was now sitting upright in his bed looking at me as if I did something completely wrong. "What do you mean?" I tried to open the door of his room but before I knew the door was locked with a spell caused by Draco.

"Leaving so soon why?"

"Because I don't want your father to find out that I slept here tonight. Remember, they don't know about us or if we're a- I mean." I tried to safe myself but I was to late. It had been a few weeks since our first kiss but we'd never really talked about what we are. "About us you mean, that you and I are together that's what you mean right?" I felt my cheeks burning red as Draco chuckled.

"Yes about that. But I really need to go Now okay?" I blew him a hand kiss as I opened the door and left to my own room. I stared the day with showering and making myself ready, putting on some makeup and cleaning my room. It was something I always did in the morning, my sort of routine. It made me feel ready for the day and of course I also loved using the exclusive items the family had bought for me.

At first I wasn't really sure about Draco and me, I mean about what we are. But he is for sure. It made me happy seeing him smile, gave me a warm feeling inside. I'm happy.

'knock.. knock..'

"Yeah, you can come in."

"My parents asked me to join them today, they're going to meet someone. I get it if you don't want to stay here alone I can stay with you if you want?" I looked at Draco who was dressed into one of his black suits and wearing his expansive leather shoes. "Liv are you even listening?" He waved his hand before my eyes as I zoned out of my thoughts. "No its fine, i think I can save myself here. They wouldn't ask you to come with them if it wasn't important for them right?" He gave me a kiss on my forehead as he left leaving a note on my desk.

"Oh wait Draco you forget-" before I could end my sentence he had already left. Since I knew the Malfoy's where Death eaters I figured out that their job was non of my business. I don't want to have anything to do with their problems. The last thing I want is coming closer to the dark lord as he's already after me. I don't want to tell Draco but I'm scared that he has to overcome all those problems one day too.

I stood up and walked to my desk reading the little note as I picked it up.

"Tonight seven pm, meet me at the lake. D."

I smiled at the paper as it disappeared in my hands. Draco always puts disappearing spells on his notes or even presents as we don't want his parents to find out.

A few hours had passed, I was still laying in my bed reading a muggle book that I found in Draco's room the other night. It felt strange being alone in the manor.

"Knock.." My body stiffened at the sudden sound, taking me straight out of my thoughts. Could they be home already?


no reaction came.


I grabbed my wand as a walked out of my room, no one. I took a few steps further into the long hallway, no one. I'm sure I heard something but where did it came from? I thought about Draco, maybe he's trying to scare me. He wasn't.


There it was again. The sound. It came from deeper into the hallway, Draco's room. I pointed my wand as I took a few steps further and saw the door of Draco's room standing widely open. 'Knock..' again.

"Life better be good as it ends." I whispered to myself.

I entered his room and saw no one. The feeling of relief flew over me as I looked around in the empty room. I walked at the open standing window to close it as it was probably the cause of the closing and opening door which scared the shit out of me.

That boy's room was a mess. Clothes all over the floor, his king-sized bed filled with a few green pillows and his black sheets, on his desk a box full of papers and letters blown over by the wind. I can go on like this for a while.

I closed the window, made his bed and walked to his desk to put the box filled with letters upright again.

'Olivia Parker.'

I took the letter written with my name on it, why would Draco own a letter that's send to me?

"Hi Olivia!, how are you? I didn't hear from you in a while now and I'm beginning to worry about you!"

What in Merlin is this? I recognized the neat and curly handwriting right away. It was Hannah's. How could he. I felt my anger rising as I kept reading the letter my friend had send me.

"I'm doing fine if you wondered, Peter and his family are coming over for our special dinner tonight, I wish you could come too. My parents keep asking about you, if you are going to visit us just like last summer. I told them that you lived with the Malfoy's for now, they looked shocked. I think that they're just as confused as you and I where. Either way I hope you're having a great summer and enjoy your time with Draco. Don't kill him please.

Love, your best friend
Hannah Abbot."

I turned the letter as I saw the date it was send on; four weeks ago. How could that little brat keep this from me? I fumbled with my hands trough the box of letters, only to find more and more of them. I thought Hannah and Peter had forgotten about me, turns out that they didn't. Draco made it seem like I had forgotten about them.

"Olivia? Wh-what are you doing in here?"

I jumped at the sound of Draco's voice. I couldn't control it anymore. I threw the letters at him as he looked at me with a sad look on his face. "How could you!" I screamed, letting my anger take over me. "You knew it broke me that my friends didn't write me. You knew it!" I took a few steps closer to him, I could feel his hot and minty breath on my skin.

"How- how could you?" I felt the tears streaming down my cheeks as if it was the first time in ages that someone made me this angry.

"I- i had no choice Liv-"

"Oh come on Draco, don't play innocent now!" I watched him as he took a few steps back. His face now not longer holding the sad look on it anymore, it turned into anger. "How are you going to explain that you keep searching trough my fucking house!" He shouted at me making my whole body shiver.

"What- you are going to blame me for this? I can't believe you! I wasn't the one who kept letters for his girlfriend hidden." How was he mad, he doesn't have the right to be. I have.

He remained silent, almost as if he was thinking for the right thing to say but after a while he still didn't.

"Do you regret it?" I asked, my voice back to normal again. "Regret what?" He looked at me as I was nothing more than a waist of his time.

"What you said about us being a thing this morning."

"Yes." He broke our eye contact, now looking at the floor as I saw his angry face turning into something sad.

"Actually I do. I do regret it."

What happened to the Draco she laid in bed with this morning. How did he turned from something so bright Into something so dark. He broke my heart.

"We don't and never will work Parker. You need to understand that. We're to different." He took a few steps to the left, leaving the door open for me to leave. I wish I had never asked him that question, I feel awful. And I bet he feels the same, he just doesn't want to show it.

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