Chapter fifteen

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"No my smile is the worst!" Olivia snickered as she was sitting together with Draco on the little bench from earlier. "Liv, your smile is literally the cutest thing i have ever seen in my life so shut up!" He gave a soft kiss on her forehead as she was resting her head on his shoulder. It was already a few hours ago since they had their first kiss, Olivia could still feel the butterflies dancing around in her stomach. Would he feel the same?

"Can I ask you a question?" Olivia's soft voice broke the silence they had for a few minutes. It was already becoming darker outside so Draco had given Olivia his jacket because it also started to cool down a bit. "Yes of course, what's wrong?" Olivia tilted her head off of his shoulder so she could look right into his eyes. "Are you gonna be one?" Her big blue eyes pierced through his, searching for any answers she could get.

The boy quickly broke their contact as he turned his head away. He knew where she was talking about, but he also knew he couldn't tell her the truth about this whole summer. What would she think of him, of his family.. If she finds out about the exchange of her life of in return for his freedom everything will be over.. "uhm i- I don't know.." The boy spoke, in his eyes something which looked like fear. Olivia gave him a reassuring smile and cupped his face in her hands. "It's okay."

Without any other word she stood up, reaching her hand out at Draco to do the same."It's probably nearly dinner time, we should go." The boy gave her a nod and walked back to the manor, they keeped their hands locked with each other until they came to a stop before the door, now looking at each other not knowing to let go or hold on..

"It's the best if my parents don't know.." As he spoke he softly pulled his hand away, Olivia knew it was probably the best but it was not what she wanted..

Draco opened the big door from the manor which caused her to break out of her thoughts as he let Olivia enter first. "What the hell are those?" Olivia's eyes trailed on the ground which was full of faint footsteps, Chairs that had been overturned and all kinds of books spread all over the place. It was a mess inside of the whole manor. She turned around, now looking at Draco who stood there, his wand at the ready and with also a confused look on his face.

"I have no idea from who they are but you better stay close to me."

She felt one of his cold hands on her waist, pulling her softly behind him.  "The footsteps, they lead to my room." Olivia pointed to the footprints on the stairs as she tried to take a few steps closer but was held back by the firm grip of Draco. "Stay here."
He gave her a light squeeze as he let go of her wrist now walking up the stairs.

"What no! i'm not letting you go there alone!" Before the boy could even try to say something in return, Olivia was already standing on the stairs with her wand raised at the door of her room. "Why do you always have to be so stubborn Liv! what if the person is still inside!" Olivia saw a hint of worry flashing over the boy's face as he quickly returned his gaze to the door.

"Because i'm not a little girl anymore!" She snapped at him, maybe the only thing he tried was to protect her but she knew she could handle it herself. Without any further hesitation the boy stepped inside the room, his wand raised and ready to hex whoever was in there.

"No one." He turned at Olivia giving her a small nod to come in. "There's a box on your desk, was it there before?" Draco pointed to a small satin red box which was indeed standing on her desk. Olivia shaked her head. "Not that I know of."

"well there was for sure someone in here and that person has left something for you." He grabbed the box and gave it to Olivia as she settled on her bed followed by Draco who was still holding his wand tight.

"Happy birthday Olvia."

Olivia took the little note of the box and read it outloud, totally forgetting that Draco still didn't know about it being her birthday.. "Happy birthday?" his gaze lifted from the box to Olivia as she quickly turned her head away. "It's your birthday? and you didn't tell me for what?" She heard a little bit of disappointment in his voice as he spoke but it wasn't a big deal right? He didn't need to know everything. "Because it isn't important."

"It isn't important? Of course it is!" The boy snapped angry at her, why did he need to make a drama out of this? It was her sixteenth birthday not his! "I'm only sixteen it's not even special!" Olivia had her voice now raised as she stood up angrily from her bed. The two of them had always discussions like this, it goes about nothing for most of the time.

"Wait, did you say sixteen?" Draco's voice was back to normal again, his grey eyes searching for a hold on hers. "Yes why?" The boy's face immediately changed from anger into something that looked like sadness, fear but why? What was wrong with her being sixteen?

"You should open the box." Olivia watched him as he spoke, his voice now sounding cold. "Why does my age matter this much for you?" She gave him a confused look which he totally ignored as he started walking out of the room. "It doesn't, just- nevermind.." Olivia watched him as he left the room without any other words, without even looking at her. She would deal with him later first she needed to know what was inside of this box.

"What the hell." Olivia grabbed the golden pin out of the satin red box as she felt the tears already burning in her eyes.. It was the pin of her mother, Olivia recognised it from the picture of her mother, father and her which was taken on the day they died. Her mother had wore this on the day she died and now it laid in Olivia's hand..

Whoever had left this for her knew for sure about the real reason of her parents death.

A few hours had passed, Olivia had skipped tonight's dinner as she was not feeling in the mood for any other drama. She had spoken to Polly who had to clean the whole manor after the unknown visitor had made a mess of it, but not even the house elves had any idea who it could have been. Olivia had overheard Mr and Mrs Malfoy talking about how to protect her and if it would be safer to change homes..
One thing was sure, this visitor wasn't out for the Malfoys, it came for Olivia.

"Deep in your thoughts i see?" Olivia quickly turned around at the sudden voice that came from behind. "No worries, it's just me." Draco was standing in one of his black suites, holding something behind his back but unfortunately Olivia couldn't see exactly what it was.

"I would be scared if I were you, I'm sixteen so you should run." He gave a smile at her comment as he settled next to her on the ground right before the lake. "I'm sorry that I acted like that, i was disappointed that you didn't tell me that it was your birthday and i- i wanted to buy something for you.."

"You don't have to Draco, being here with you is everything i need." Olivia gave him a smile back as she reached out for his hand which he gladly took. "I got something for you actually.. but don't expect too much of it." The boy took something out of his pocket and gave it to Olivia.

"Did you draw this?" The boy nodded as Olivia watched the beautiful drawing of the tree and little bench she started to draw earlier today. "I thought why don't i finish it, it's our place with memories after all." Olivia pulled him in for a tight hug and pushed her head into the collar of his sweater, smelling the expensive cologne and relaxed at the feeling of his minty breath on her skin.

"Thank you Draco, its beautifull."

She felt his lips placing a soft kiss on her head as he tightened the hug even more. "I got one last thing for you.. it's not really a gift for a birthday but i wanted to give it to you either way." The boy pulled out of the hug as he reached out for Olivia's hand and took it into his, with the other hand he grabbed a beautiful emerald-green bracelet and put it on by Olivia. "Wait isn't that your Portkey? we used it on the train station to get here right?" Draco nodded.

"Promise me you use it when you need it, when I'm not there to save you or when you don't have any other choice. Use it wisely Olivia, do me a favor and never take it off.."

Autor noteee! :
Hii, this chapter was fun to write but I'm not very happy with it so I might change a few things later! I hope the plot is not to hard to understand :) happy reading and goodnight!

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