Chapter ten

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I joined the Malfoy family on the dinner table as the food was being served by a few house elves. The day had flown by as i had almost spent it entirely together with Malfoy. The sparkle that he held in his eyes had not once disappeared since then, he seemed happy, not like how he was in school. He acted nice.

I took some things on my dinner plate and started eating it. I didn't notice but the blonde boy kept smiling at me when I wasn't looking. We had fun today, maybe this summer will not as bad as I thought it would after all.

"So Olivia, could you tell me something about your house when you still lived with your parents?" It was Mr Malfoy's loud voice which brought me out of my thoughts. He looked at me with a fake smile. He always faked it. Why did that man take me into his house for this summer in the first place as he disliked me so much? I decided that it would be the best as I  just acted like everything was fine, not wanting to create any other drama in this family.

"uhm well, i can't remember really much as i where three when i saw it for the last time. But, on the pictures it looked nice, very cozy sir." I gave him a fake smile back as I saw the man narrowing his eyes a little. "I see, and i assume you can't remember anything about their behavior either?" Bitch.

I felt the tension building up in the room as he tried to challenge my feelings again. This time it wasnt gonna work, i was going to stand up for my parents, they didn't deserve what they got and i knew it. He was the one with the wrong statements.

"I don't, but I'm sure they didn't deserve to die Sir. they were and always will be one of the most beloved people in wizarding history, no matter what." The smile of the man disappeared as soon as the words left My mouth. It may be inappropriate but it was the truth and he needed to know it. "E.." the man's words were quickly cut off as his wife interrupted him. Thank god.

"Draco, how was your day dear?" I was sure that Mrs Malfoy had felt the tension too, normally she wouldn't ask her son so desperately about his day, she never did.

"Great actually mother, I fled all afternoon with Olivia. She had never done it before so i gave her a quick lesson which didn't really work as she couldn't even fly more than two feet above the ground and she already fell."

Draco laughed at his own story as me and Mrs Malfoy joined him, the only one who didn't was Mr Malfoy of course. The rest of the dinner was spent in complete silence as it normally was, the cold and dark feeling had returned again and the smile which rested on Draco's  face had disappeared again.

After dinner I decided to do some reading in the library of the manor, it was one of my favorite places in the house as Mrs and Mr Malfoy never came there. They wouldn't know what I was doing.

I sat on one of the green leather couches with a book in my hand. The sun may be shining bright over the day but when it was becoming dark outside the warm summer feeling had quickly disappeared. No light that came trough the heavy dark curtains.

"For deep cuts and wounds."

I grabbed the little note that was stuck between a few pages of the healing book I read. The library was filled with all kinds of books for spells, magical creatures, it was probably the reason that Malfoy was on top of almost all his classes. I continued reading the book until i heard faint footsteps coming into my way. Shit.

"Draco said that she doesn't have any clue." It was the soft voice of Mrs Malfoy, she was talking to someone in the hallway. I checked the clock to see what time it was, twelve pm already. I knew it was already time for me to be in bed but I had totally forgotten about the time as i was reading. Great.

"We need to keep it that way at least until the end of summer." This time it was not Mrs Malfoy who spoke but her husband, they were talking about someone a she, could it be me? I knew that it was wrong to eavesdrop but I was too curious to let it go. I decided to hid myself behind one of the large couches in case they the two parents decided to come in.

"what if she does find out about it Lucius?"

"She wont! we'll make sure of that!" Mr Malfoy's tone was loud, it reminded me of the way the boy had spoke to me as he was angry. Like father like son.

"Did you see the way he looked at her at dinner?"Mrs Malfoy's voice broke the akward silence again.

"I did, and I already took care of it."

"but.." Mrs Malfoy was interrupted by the yell of her husband. "Leave it Narcissa!" Wow. I heard the footsteps leaving again. After a few minutes of waiting I knew for sure the coast was clear and decided to return to my own room again. I feel sorry for Mrs Malfoy. I really do.

Finally in bed, I felt my whole body relaxing at the feeling of the soft mattress. I  thought about the conversation of Mr and Mrs Malfoy, it was about Me, i was sure about it for now.

"Miss Parker?"

"Olivia? are you in there?"

I woke up from the faint talking that came from the hallway, it was Polly. I sat myself a little straighter as I opened my eyes tiredly. It had been a long night. I saw the door of my room being pushed open as Polly walked in. I knew that Polly was only nice to me because Mrs Malfoy wanted her to, it felt not good.

"Hii, Polly what's wrong?" I stood up out of my bed and looked at Polly who wore a wide smile on her face like she always did. "Mrs Malfoy wanted Polly to tell you that she and Mr Malfoy are gone for today, they will not be back until tonight's dinner Miss." I gave the elf simple nod and with that She already left again. They're gone?

I decided to make my plans for today later as i first needed to take a long shower. My legs were a little sore from all that broom riding yesterday and i knew that warm water would help with the muscle pain.

After the shower i did some makeup and brushed my hair. It were the standard things i always did in the morning, just like writing letters to my friends but, I quitted with that. I hadn't had any response from Hannah, Peter or Flora yet so i gave up. It seems lame but I'm done with it. If they really forgot about me than it's their problem not mine. It hurt tho.

I wandered around in the long hallways, looking for something to do as the only thing I came up with was drawing or talking to Draco. The boys room door was still closed so I assumed that he was still asleep. Baby. When I reached the hallway of Mr Malfoy's office i saw the door standing slightly open, It wasn't a big deal to look in it now as they were not home and the boy was still asleep right? Just do it.

As I stepped inside my gaze fell immediately on the empty standard where fathers wand stood the last time, where the hell did it go? Did Draco told his father about her sneaking around? I took a few steps further into the office. No wand.

I searched through the whole office but it wasn't there, the only mysterious thing i found was a piece of paper what looked like a little note. The paper had the same colors as fathers wand and i could recognize the curly handwriting of my father out of his old diaries. Bingo.

My eyes widened at the sight of the piece of paper, it wasn't a note, it was a picture. A picture of my mom and dad holding me in their hands. I felt my eyes becoming watery. 3 January the day they were killed.


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