Chapter eight

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"Dammit Parker, why couldn't you just listen to me? My father is gonna kill me if he finds out that i let you go to there, he will fucking kill me." I heard the faint mumbling of the boy who talked to himself.

"I dont even know why the fuck i did this, i could finally be rid of you but no, my dad wanted me to behave for this summer and so that is what i do, behave. he can do this himself the next time." His tone was harsh and angry, it almost looked like he was mad at himself for saving me. The boy his clothes were soaked from the water of the lake as he carried Me in bridal-style back to the manor.

I tried to say something to him, that he didn't have to carry me or that I could easily stand for myself but my vision went back to black again. Great.

"ouch, Malfoy!" A few hours had passed as I yelled at the feeling of the boys wand who poked into my leg.

"If you still want my help, I suggest you keep the attitude a little lower parker!" His eyes narrowed at Me. I couldn't help it. I was sitting on my bed, holding one of the pillows with a firm grip because of the pain. The boy pointed his wand for once more at my leg which was full of scratches and deep cuts.

"Vulnera Sanentur"

I saw the wounds on my leg slowly disappearing by the spell of the boy. "Where did you learn all this healing magic?" I asked while I stared at Malfoy who was still busy with checking my leg for any other scratches who he had missed. He looked good.

"Doesn't matter, I just know it. I'm on top of almost all my classes you know" Of course he was acting full of himself again, why would he be nice if he could be mean and selfish instead?

"let's go through the whole plan again okay?" The boy stood up and leaned against the door frame. I rolled my eyes at him as I spoke. "again? We've already talked about your whole plan at least five times! Why can't I just tell the truth to your parents anyway?" He gave me a mean snarl. Damn.

"Because Parker! My father had forbidden me to go to that place years ago! He knew that it was a dangerous place and when he found out that i enjoyed being there, he snapped!" The boy slammed one of his hands angry at the door which caused Me to jump.

"If he finds out that you were there and that i didn't even try to stop you, he will kill me!" His eyes were now full of hatred as he looked at me. "You know Malfoy, I'm sorry that you saved me, if you hadn't done it you wouldn't be so mad at yourself right?" I gave him a mean snarl back, he deserved it.

With that the boy stepped out of my room and slammed the door shut with a loud bang.

"That stupid git.." I mumbled as I cleaned the pile of books that had fallen from the sudden movement of the door. Why couldn't he even try to be nice to me? Was his ego really that big or did he just like it when people despised him? Because I do.

A few hours had passed, I had eaten dinner with the Malfoy family in silence, Mr and Mrs Malfoy didn't even ask a question about how our days had been, so we didn't have to tell the fake story about me falling out of a tree instead of almost drowning by a bunch of merpeople.

I was sitting in my own room again. It was beginning to get darker outside as ten pm already. I sended some more letters to Hannah and Peter in the hope that I would get any response soon. They promised that they would write to me as much as they could that day on the train but still after a few days, i hadn't got any sign or response from them. It was nothing for them to do and especially not for Hannah, they wouldn't forget about me so soon right? Of course they didn't.

As it was getting later and later I couldn't seem to sleep and laid still wide awake in my bed. I felt quite lonely if I was being honest.. the days slowly passed and there was nothing to do here.

I stood up to search for some paper and a pencil, I tried her best to keep it quiet as i walked through the dark hallway with my wand in my hand.


I kept searching but couldn't find anything, i still didn't really know the way around in the big manor and was scared that maybe Mr or Mrs Malfoy would hear me. I would be dead if they did.

As I took a few steps further i heard faint voices coming out of a room on the very end of the hallway. Draco's room.

"You don't get it Theo, it was like i couldn't control myself, it was like i needed to be sure that she was alright..  and i-i don't know why." It clearly was the boy talking to someone but who?

I watched trough the open standing door and saw the boy sitting at his desk together with a house elf, I assumed his house elf.

It was as if he could feel my stare as he quickly turned around and locked his eyes with mine. I didn't know what to do and quickly turned myself around the corner of his door. Why did I do this.

"I know that you are there Parker!" The boys tone was harsh again, not that I was surprised. My only option was to get back at the door again, the hallway had a dead-end so I couldn't get back to my room without having to pass his again.. here we go.

"Nosey little fucker aren't you Parker?" The boy was now standing at his door, narrowing his eyes as I came around the corner again.

"Go find someone else to feed your ego with Malfoy, i'm pretty busy tonight as you can see." I wore a big grin on my face knowing that this was what made him irritated.

"With what exactly?" He came a few steps closer to me, when I was about to take a few steps back. "Wouldn't you love to know huh?" My words clearly did something to the boy as he pulled at my arm and pushed me against the wall next to his door. That boy is crazy.

He stood before me, his cold hands still wrapped around both my arms. It gave me flashbacks to the first evening I had spent here, when Malfoy had found me sneaking around in his fathers office. I don't think I will be able to forget that anymore.

I could  feel the boys hot and minty breath on my skin as he came closer and closer to me. "I asked you something Parker." His grip on my arms tightened as I could feel the bruises being there already.

"And I said that it wasn't any of your business Malfoy." It almost looked like he was going to explode, I had never seen anyone with this amount of rage holding in their eyes.

Malfoy pushed me into his room as I almost tripped and he laughed about it. His eyes were now intensely staring at me. He was scary. I knew he wanted to say something to me. But he didn't. The only thing he did was laughing at the sight of my wide eyes and scared face. What's wrong with him.

"You didn't really think that i was going to hit you or something did you?" The boys eyes didn't hold any of the rage anymore, they seemed more sad now. really what was up with that guy and his mood changes?

"well actually I did Malfoy! What the hell is wrong with you!" I snapped, my angry gaze stared at the boy who was now laughing harder than he ever did.

"You're scared of me aren't you Olivia? just like everybody else is!"

It was the first time he had ever called me by my first name, it sounded so weird coming from his mouth. I didn't know what to do as I tried to say something but couldn't find the right words.

I stood there in the boys room, staring with my blue eyes right into his grey ones. It felt different this time.

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