Chapter seven

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I felt his cold hands digging into my skin as he kept pulling me through the hallway. The boy held a firm grip on my forearm, like he was scared that I might escape out of it. I'm so not done with this. He held his clear grey eyes narrowed at the long staircase, he tried to see the person where we heard the footsteps from only a few minutes ago. They stopped.

He quickly pulled me behind him, his tall figure made me no longer visible. I could smell is expansive cologne as I tried not to touch his back. I saw the opportunity to hide behind a corner in the hallway as the footsteps were becoming closer again. Fuck.

"Draco? What are you doing here?"

It was Mr Malfoy. His tone was confused, like it wasn't normal for his own son to walk around in the hallways of their house. "u-uhm, i was preparing myself for bed father."

The boy struggled with his words, trying to sound as believable as he could. "In the hallway?" His father asked as he didn't believe it. The boy nodded. "I was searching for a new towel, I think that one of the house elves must have forgotten mine." I must be honest, that boy was a good liar.

In the mean time I tried my best to hold my breath for as long as i possibly could. Not wanting to make any sound as The boy continued his conversation with his father.

"ah well, I'm doing some late night work and I will probably not be back before tomorrow morning" With that I heard Mr Malfoy closing the door of his office. Now it was time for me to leave. fast.

The boy came around the corner, his eyes narrowed at me. I didn't even need to know what Mr Malfoy would do if he found out that she was sneaking around in his own office. As i walked away i felt the boys cold grip for once digging into my wrist. He pulled hard at it which caused me to take a few steps closer to him, standing against the wall. What was he thinking.

Our faces, his and mine where only a few inches apart from each other. I could feel his hot breath on my skin.

"Don't ever try to sneak around again Parker, or I will tell my father the real story why I was there."
The boy spat his words right into my face as i watched at him with wide eyes. What's wrong with him. The boy released me out of his grip and stared to walk back to his room again. He scared me.

And there I stood, in the middle of a hallway where he left me once again, standing on my own. That little brat.

After i took a shower and turned into some cozy pajamas, I decided that it was time to get some sleep. It had been a long day of traveling, unpacking and of course the dinner party. My head was full of questions about my fathers wand, why did Mr Malfoy of all the people have it? And what the hell was he going to do with it?  I knew that i couldn't ask him about it, it could expose my entire story of sneaking around and i also knew that he was never going to tell her the real reason. I needed to find it out myself. As that is the exact thing I'm going to do.

A few days had passed, I hadn't done anything special other than writing to Hannah and Peter, reading a few books and a lot of sleeping. It began to get boring.

I had spend multiple nights in the big library of the manor, searching for any answers but I never succeed. The Malfoy's family bonding wasn't that good either.. They didn't really speak to each other throughout the days, as Mr and Mrs Malfoy where almost gone everyday, too busy with their work, totally forgetting that they have a son.

I also didn't see the blonde boy that much anymore, he was actually the whole day in his room, busy with doing whoever knew what. I didn't like him. Since the moment we've had in the office of his father he never talked to me again. He didn't even look at me as i sat opposite of him on the dinner table. The only thing what was good is the change in the weather, it began to be sunnier and a lot warmer than what it was at the beginning of this week.

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