Chapter three

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My apologies for not telling you this first, but your father and I didn't have many time to decide. Remember that time in your second year when we talked about the dark lord? Well your time has come my son. I understand that everything seems a blur for you but your father and I have find a solution, something where we can buy your freedom with. It's the girl Draco. The dark lord, he wants her.

We take the girl in for summer, after a few weeks as she trust us we will hand her over to him. You know what history the Parker family has, she's just like her parents no doubt about that. I promise we'll tell you more about it when you're here with her. But you my son, you have to promise me that you won't tell anybody about this. Not a word understand?

Your mother

I read the letter my mother had left for me. Her beautiful and neat handwriting what I recognized from thousands, it felt like home.

I felt the anger in me as I finished the letter and threw it on the ground. "That filthy little hufflepuf even gets more attention from them." I said trough gritted teeth. The summers in the manor where noting special really, it was me reading books on my bedroom and only leaving it for dinner. Bit pathetic if you ask me.

"Draco you coming?" I heard Blaise calling me from the common room. "The freedom better be worth it." I whispered to myself as I hid the letter under some clothes that were already packed for the train ride of tomorrow. I tied my shoes as I sprinted to the common room where I met Blaise, pansy and Daphne walking to out first and last class of today already.

Olivias POV :

"I cant believe that i have to spend my whole summer vacation with the Malfoys" I spoke while walking back from my class with Hannah and Peter to the common room. Because it was the last day at hogwarts we only had one class and the rest of the day free for packing out bags and saying goodbye.

"It will be fine trust me"  Hannah tried to reassure me with a smile but I gave her a snarl.  "No it will not be fine Han, I can feel the loneliness already floading to me" I know it isn't her fault but I'm just so mad that I can't control my anger anymore.

"Then we will write to you Liv, no worries" Peter joined the conversation as he jumped out of his thoughts. "I'm sure we can somehow find the address, and if not why wouldn't you just ask him?" He opened the door to the common room and let Hannah and me in first. Peter has always been a gentleman, he hasn't very much other friends than me, Hannah and a few Gryffindors. He used to date our friend from Slytherin called Anna but just as I told you earlier today a hufflepuf and slytherin isn't a match. They're still friends but I know deep down that Peter loves Anna more than she'll ever known.

I settled on one of the big sofa's and threw my shoes on the floor.

Hannah joined me on the sofa as Peter settled on the yellow seat and opened his book. "Maybe it ends up being your soulmate you know." Hannah spoke out of nowhere breaking the silence. "Ew Malfoy? Never." Peter gave a chuckle at my comment as he spoke. "oh come on Liv, now you are being over dramatic. He isn't looking that bad. " Peter gave me a playful wink as I threw one of the pillows right at his head. "ouch! What the hell Olivia, you will regret this!" Peter stood up with a playful grin on his face as he walked over to me. I slided myself quickly off of the couch and runned away trough the common room.

"Who's being over dramatic now huh?" I yelled and chuckled as he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. "hey put me down!" Hannah almost died of laughter at the sight of Peter and me fighting.

A few hours had passed as we were stil siting in the common room talking about our summer plans. "Talking about summer, I don't want to miss our last evening meal before the break, shall we go?" Hannah stood up as she gave us a look to do the same. "You guys go, I will be there in a moment" I walked to my dormitory as Peter and Hannah  were already leaving. I shared my dorm together with Hannah and my other friend Seline although she never really saw Seline, she was almost everyday in the library with her Ravenclaw friends. But she was nice.

After the redoing of my hair I headed up to the great hall, I walked through the long and empty corridors, everybody was probably already eating.

"You think it's funny do you? Wait until my father hears about this you filthy little mudblood"

I turned around to look where the talking came from, as I saw him, the blonde boy in whose eyes she was stuck just a few hours ago. He was standing together with his slytherin friends bullying a first year.

"Hey you, leave him alone!" I shouted as loud as I  could from the other side of the corridor. I may be a hufflepuff but that doesn't mean that I'm afraid of a few stupid slytherins. The boy didn't even try to look at me, he just kept doing whatever he was doing to that first year.

"Hey! Didn't you hear me the first time? I said leave him the fuck alone Malfoy!"

They all looked up to me, clearly confused that I , a Hufflepuff stood up against him. But the boy tried to ignore it again, my intense gaze stared at him as I  walked into his direction with big passes.

"well, well, well what do we have here? A little hufflepuff on a mission?" A dark brown haired girl stepped in front of her. "Are you lost blondie?"
Her friends gave a laugh at her comment.

I wanted to say something but before I knew I felt a arm around my shoulders. It was Flora. Flora wasn't scared of anything, she was the person people where scared of. She gave the dark-brown haired girl a nasty look as she spoke with a harsh tone.

"Back off Pansy!"

"What did you just say to me?" The girl Pansy whore a wide smirk on her face as she heard the boys laughing behind her  "I said, back the fuck off"
Flora gave Pansy a push which caused her to stumble a few steps back.

"you know Pansy, you shouldn't act like a ass this much, it won't make yours any bigger"

Pansy shot Malfoy a look for help as I gave a small chuckle on her friend's comment. "You think this is funny do you?" the blond boy stepped away from the first year and narrowed his eyes at Me. Shit.

"let's see what you think of this" he grabbed the collar of my robes and before I knew he had me pushed to the wall next to me. Here we go.

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