Chapter two

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A few days passed, I've spent them with my friends talking about Cedric, laughing at all our memories and sometimes we spilled a little tear. We all miss him, but we all know that we have to move on. He will forever be with us, maybe not right here but for sure we're together somewhere.

It was a sunny July morning as I woke up, changed into my uniform and did a little bit of my makeup. I brushed my teeth as I tied my white air force's, "ugh why am I always late." I cursed under my breath as I ran to the great hall where I met Hannah and Peter as they were already eating. "hi guys, I'm sorry that I'm late." I took a plate and settled on the hufflepuf table next to them. "Two and a half minute faster as yesterday, congratulations Liv." Peter joked as he grabbed some fruits and put them on his plate.

"So now you're here Liv I can finally start telling my plan for the train ride tomorrow, I've been dying to tell you both." Hannah spoke with a wide smile as she looked at me full excitement. "Let me guess, there's a boy?" Peter said laughing. "will you ever shut up!" Hannah trew one of her strawberries at him which caused Peter to laugh even harder. "a boy huh?" I asked, as if it wasn't clear enough. " Uh- Yeah i'm sure he doesn't even know that i exist but still"

"Oh come on Han! of course he knows that you exist! Almost every boy in Hogwarts knows you." It was true. Hannah had dated many, I repeat many boys on hogwarts and actually I don't blame her, she was beautiful so why not?

"Which house is he in?" I asked my curious eyes now watching her as she looked nervously. "Slytherin, i know nothing for me right?"

"Slytherin?!" Peter and I spoke at the same time. Hannah, Peter and I are all hufflepuffs, ever heard of a hufflepuff and a slytherin who dated? Because I dont.

Before I could say anything else I got interrupted by a light tap on my left shoulder followed by a loud cough which caused me to look up seeing professor Dumbledore standing after me. "Miss Parker could I talk to you?"

"uh, yes of course professor" I gave my friends a reassuring nod as I walked away with the professor up to his office. "Did I do something?" I tried to think about something I could possibly have done that the head master wanted to talk to me. It remained silent, I took the hint and didn't ask anymore questions. Still not knowing what I've done. I took a few steps as the professor settled himself behind his desk leaving me standing in the opening of the door. As soon as my gaze left the floor my eyes got locked by another pair. They where simply beautiful. The cold grey pair almost pierced trough my blue ones as the silence got interrupted by the loud voice of professor Dumbledore.

"Olivia?" The professor said once again which caused me to break the odd but still comfortable eye contact with the other pair of eyes. "uh, yes professor, i'm sorry what did you say again?" I looked up and saw the professor who looked at me with a soft smile. "The Diggorys told me they were looking for a new foster family for you, they did tell you that right?" I gave the professor a confused look, excuse me a new foster family?

"ah well they didnt i see, the Diggorys don't think they are capable of taking care of you as what happened to their son Cedric this year. Now I know it must be hard for you to understand but they need some time. It just seemed the best for them to- "

"To what just send me away!?" As soon as the words left my mound I regretted them. "I'm sorry I- I didn't mean to." I tried to stay calm but I couldn't, they where my family, how could they? I looked at the other people in the room, there was a boy, the boy who had the grey eyes where I was almost drowning in just a few minutes ago. His platinum blonde hair messy but still decently hanging for his eyes. I didn't recognize the other person in the room, it was a women, she was pretty, looked nice but held a stern face as she looked at me with patience.

I took a deep breath as I tried to listen to the conversation between the professor and the woman. The boy looked at me full of disgust, I think he didn't know this was going to happen either. "I'm Narcissa dear, Draco's mom" The woman looked at her son who almost immediately turned his eyes away, obviously not wanting to make any eye contact with me. The boy whore the same shoes as me, but his where black and looked new, expensive. his robes where dark-green matching with his green tie and I could smell his strong cologne from here.

"Olivia, the malfoys take you in for this summer. Until you find a new foster family they will take care of you."

I knew why they looked so familiar to me, they're pure-bloods. Purebloods who stand for the exact opposite of what my pureblood family stood for.

Dracos POV :

"What would that pathetic excuse of a headmaster wanted to talk about at this time of the day? I can't even eat my breakfast in peace" I muttered to myself as I was on my way to the office of professor Dumbledore.

When I stepped inside my eyes fell on something or rather someone familiar, it was my mother. She was sitting in one of the big leather chairs in front of Dumbledore's desk with a warming smile on her face. Why the hell was she here?

"mother? What are you doing here, where is father?" Dumbledore couldn't possibly be that foolish to call my parents for what I did to that first year, did he? I knew for sure that my parents where going to choose my side of the story anyways. They simply would throw that first year off this stupid excuse of an school.

Before my mother could answer my question the door flew open, professor Dumbledore walked to his desk as a certain dark-blond curly-haired girl entered the room a few seconds later.

Her big blue eyes met mine almost immediately, something about them was special, something I had never seen before. It was like they carried more than a thousand different kinds of magic inside of them what by each told a different story. I had never noticed her face before.

I broke out of my thoughts as soon as she broke our eye contact. How could i be that stupid? I watched her black with yellow robes as she spoke, she was probably just another filthy little mudblood who had something to say of how I treated them. Was that why Dumbledore called my mother? For a stupid little hufflepuf girl? How pathetic.

I watched her old, cracked air forces as she stood there watching my mother and professor Dumbledore talking as if she heard that the world was about to fall apart.

"Olivia, the malfoys take you in for this summer. Until you find a new foster family they will take care of you."

Wait what did he just say? This can't be true, im not going to spend my whole summer vacation with that stupid hufflepuf girl only because nobody wants her anymore! Wait until my father hears about this! at the thought of my father, where the hell was he? i'm sure he doesn't want that little hufflepuff in his house just as much i don't want her to.

I heard the faint chatter of my mother and professor Dumbledore but I didn't care. I didn't want this, why did they do this in the first place? I know for sure that my parents are up to something, they wouldn't be so stupid without a plan.

I recognized the name Parker, I'm sure every body does. They are nothing more than a pathetic little family with tragic history in the wizarding world. they called themselves purebloods but I highly doubt that, look at her she's worthless.

"Draco, i need to go now"

my mothers voice interrupted my thoughts as she spoke. "There's a letter in your dorm, it will explain everything dear, do not tell anyone about it, and especially not to her." My mothers eyes pointed to the door where the blond girl had just left the office.

Her voice sounded harsh and strict but not more than a whisper to me and with that she left, how could she. How could they.

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