Chapter thirteen

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Tw; blood/hurt.

Shit. I pushed Draco's hands of off me as I looked at Mr Malfoy who stood narrowing his eyes. I'm screwed. We both are. I watched as I saw the man taking a few steps closer to us, Draco's body tensed. I felt the cold metal of Mr Malfoy's cane trailing down my cheek as is stopped right before the cut.

"Who did this to you?" The man locked his eyes with mine as I didn't say anything. He turned his face away, now locking eyes with his son. "Draco, i hope this got nothing to do with you?" I saw Draco's eyes widening, he was scared of his own father. "No father." Draco needed to choose, telling the truth about me getting hurt because flying with him or lying and tell him that the two man who visited us did it.

"There where visitors father." He lied. I felt Lucius his cane leaving my cheek as he brought it back to the ground again. "We'll talk about it later Draco. But you." The man turned his face into my direction as he spoke. "You Olivia, I'm glad you're safe." He gave me the same fake smile he always did as he grabbed Draco by his arm and led him out of the room. He's going to get punished.

I couldn't leave his own father do that to him could I? Before I knew I was already walking at my door, swinging it open as if my life depends on it. "Sir stop. It wasn't Draco's fault, he actually did a good job of protecting me. It was my own fault. I lost my wand and Draco couldn't do anything to help me as he was almost getting killed himself. It's nothing I swear." I lied. If Draco didn't want his father to know about him spending time with me I was okay with that. No need for anyone to get hurt.

I looked at Draco as I saw his bleeding lip. I was too late, his father had already learned him a lesson. Draco wiped the blood of his lips as his father released him out of his grip.

"Good that you kept our guest safe." With that Lucius left. Coward.

"Draco are you okay?" I took a few steps closer to the boy as he took a few back. "No I'm not okay Olivia, how is this okay?" He pointed at his lip as he watched me with watery eyes. "Forget it." It was the last thing he said as the boy stormed into his room. What did I do.

After I took my very long and very needed shower i changed into some more comfortable clothes. I couldn't help but think about Draco, I never thought that his own father would so such thing. But he did. I felt sorry. Even if it wasn't really my fault.

The dinner with the Malfoy's was spent in silence as usual. Draco nowhere to be seen. Mr and Mrs Malfoy didn't say a word to each other, it wasn't the place I wanted to be the most right now. I watched Polly and a few other house elves bringing the desert but I excused myself. I had to lie again. "I'm very tired, I should probably go to sleep if you don't mind?" Mrs Malfoy gave me a nod as I walked back to my room again.

"I can't tell her. It will ruin everything." I heard the faint voices coming out of Draco's room, he was taking to Theodore. His house elve. Draco had once told me that Theodore was one of his only friends here, when he was younger. He spent almost every summer day with him as his parents didn't gave him any tasks. I hesitated to knock or not. I didn't.

Just as I wanted to turn around and leave the door swung open. Shit. I gave Theodore a nod as he left the room without saying anything else. "Why are you here." I looked at Draco who sat on his bed holding a book in his hands. "I needed to talk to you." I said as I took a few steps further into his room and settled next to him onto the bed.

"There's nothing to talk about." Draco turned his face as he spoke. He didn't want to look at me. "You sure?" I carefully turned his head to me as I watched into his watery eyes. I had never seen him this soft before.

"Stop it already Olivia." His tone was stern as he spoke. He was mad. I gave him a confused look, How did I turned into the bad guy?

"My father told me you know. I know that you are just using me for your own good. That you try to make me weak. The saddest thing is that it worked. So congrats Olivia, I hope your happy." He stood up as he spoke. I didn't understand him.

"what are you talking about?"

"Didn't you hear me?"

"Draco calm down what happened?"

We began shouting at each other. His father lied to him. I didn't use him for anything. "Your father told you huh? Well guess what Draco, your father is a liar." I looked at the boy as his anger turned into sadness again. I was hard I know, but sometimes that's how it has to be.

"I don't know what to do anymore." Draco's voice lowered, it wasn't more than a whisper now. He was broken. "It's okay. I'm here." I pointed at the bed as he let himself fall onto it. Tired and broken.

"Let's talk about something. Something fun." I smiled at Draco as he sat straight up again. "You look pretty tonight." Draco pointed at my clothes as I laughed. "you think this is pretty?" He nodded.

"I think you are pretty."

I rested my head on his shoulders as he spoke. Did he just gave me a compliment? I felt my cheeks burning red. "You're not that bad yourself either." I looked up as I saw a big smile freeing up his face. We stayed like this for a few hours until I drove into a deep sleep still laying in his bed. I felt safe.

Draco tucked a few tufts of hair behind my ears as he looked at me with a smile. His father would never approve me to be sleeping here. We both knew it.

"come on, i got you Liv." Draco mumbled as he carried me in bridal style out of his room. He stayed in my room for a while, laying next to me and watching how i slept so peacefully. The thoughts of me not knowing what his parents had planned spacing through his head. He knew.

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