Chapter seventeen

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It's over. The voices kept repeating the two words in my head, it made me sick. I thought about those weeks I had spent with him. Didn't it mean anything to him? Because it did to me. I walked back to my room, the tears still streaming down my cheeks. It was over.

"I can't believe it, I'm so stupid for believing that I meant something to him. I'm so stupid for believing that he had changed. The only thing he cares about is himself." I murmured to myself as I grabbed some clothes and threw them into the suitcase placed on my bed. I was leaving, tonight.

I didn't pack many things, my wand, some clothes and of course the picture of my parents and I. I thought about the few conversations I had overhead between Mrs and Mr Malfoy, I knew that they had something planned for me but I didn't try to leave. I didn't because of him, I wanted to spend my time with him for how long it was still possible. Turns out that he was just using me for his own good, probably to win my trust. He succeeded.

A few hours had passed, I waited for the perfect moment to leave. Escaping out of this manor wasn't easy as the house elves always kept an eye on me.

Two am, I watched the time slowly passing by, everyone was probably asleep by now so I took my change, grabbed the suitcase and left my room without looking back.

The old floor in the hallway cracked as I stepped on it, I tried my best to keep it quit as Draco's room was only a few meters away from mine. "Knock.." shit. It couldn't be over this soon, my escape hadn't even started yet.

I stopped for a second, trying to keep it quiet, nobody. This house is scaring the shit out of me. I hurried down the long staircase as I was now standing on the first floor, my eyes scanned the room, no house elves. I'm lucky. The wheels of my suitcase tapped softly on the marble floor, it was too heavy to carry it. I took the risk and kept walking until I stood before the big front door.


I pointed my wand at the door as i spoke, I did it. I pushed at the heavy door and stepped outside, this was easy, almost too easy. Now it was time to run, I had never felt more free than I did right now.

5 kilometers down, I looked down at my empty wrist, the portkey Draco gave me on my birthday not longer there. I was done with him and his stupid presents. I had to move on.

10 kilometers down, my legs started to shake, I was  so tired. I skipped dinner today, not wanting to see Draco again, didn't get many sleep tonight, needed to escape. my body was simply giving up. But my mind didn't.

I felt the cold rain drops falling on my skin as I heard the thunder starting to come closer. "Great."

12 kilometers down, I felt my whole body shake "Come on." I whispered to myself but I couldn't walk or even stand anymore. There was no sign of life nearby, I was in the middle of nowhere. My arms couldn't hold my suitcase anymore, my sight became black. I collapsed, my body meeting with the ice cold ground. Could this be the end?

Draco's POV :

I laid wide awake in my bed. How could I be this stupid, she's never going to trust me anymore. I ruined it. The strong feeling of regret spaced trough my head, i couldn't forget about her. It was my fault and she was right all this time. How was I supposed to tell her the truth? That my parents are using her for my own freedom? It's not something you can pretend it's normal. I hate this, I hate the sight of seeing the hurt in her eyes or seeing her leave my room crying because of me. I repeated the words my father had told me today. He wanted me to join my parents, to see what it was like to work for the Dark lord. I was terrified.

"And you must be Draco." I felt the cold hands of Voldemort digging into my skin as he spoke. "You seem afraid young boy, didn't your parents learned you otherwise?" The only thing I could do was nod, they did learn me otherwise but Olivia changed me. She learned me that it is okay to feel something. Only this time, it wasn't the right moment to do so.

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