18. A song people can dance to

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(Ariana's POV)

"Omg yes we are so going to get an A on this project!" Danny smiles.

Danny and I were just reading through one of our assignments and it was to write a song and create a music video and considering I promised Danny a duet I thought this would be the perfect opportunity. I knew Cat was planning on working with Abbie another girl that's in our class as they have been friends since the start. She had asked me if it was okay first but I am excited to work with Danny!

Me and Danny were spending more time laughing and messing about than actually getting on with any work. I felt safe around Danny, and cat, they were the only two people I knew I could definitely trust.

"I hope we get an A but that might require we do some work" I laugh.

"Nah.. you do your whistle thingy ma Bob and BOOM .. A* for us both!" Danny laughs and tries to whistle but failing miserably making us both laugh hard.

"Omg what is going on in here" cat says opening the door to find us laughing.

"Danny was just impersonating my whistle notes." I laugh

"And failing miserably" he adds.

"Dear lord I don't want to hear" cat laughs and sits down in one of the booths with us.

"I can't wait to hear what you guys are gonna produce though. It's going to be amazing !" Cat smiles.

"Same for you and Abbie ! Let's smash these A's together!" I smile.

"Any idea on what yoire going to do for the assignment?" Cat asked

"No clue.. that's actually why we came here but it's turned into gossiping and laughing" I say

"Oo I love a bit of gossip" cat laughs wiggling her eyebrows.

"Speaking of gossip. Did you see Kendall's face today when the lads came and sat with us opposed to her and Hailey.." Danny laughs.

"Yes !! God she is so threatened by you Ariana" cat snickers.

"I really have no idea why. I've done nothing to her apart from sticking up for myself" I shrug.

"It's because Harry has taken a liking to you." Cat says playfully nudging me.

"Maybe he has but it's never going to happen. 1. Because he's a douche 2. I'm not ready for another relationship." I smile weakly.

"I know, and that's okay ! Harry would be a shit boyfriend anyway!" Cat laughs.

We spent a the entire afternoon and evening in the music block hanging out and before we knew it it was 10:00 pm. We were all having deep conversations which I liked but also didn't like when I was put under the spotlight.

"Ari.. would you ever tell us why you're not ready for a relationship?" Danny asks and I see Cat shoot him a death glare.

I pause and smile gently "eventually, I'm just still processing it myself so I'm not ready to openly talk about it. I really do trust you both with my whole heart but I can't talk about it without... getting upset" I say looking down.

"That's completely okay. Just know we are both here for you no matter what" cat smiles

"The perfect threesome" Danny smiles.

Me and cat look at each-other before bursting out and laughing.

"Can we stick to the 3 musketeers?" I laugh.

"Oh.. yeah I didn't really process what I was saying.." Danny laughs.

"But thank you guys, I really do appreciate for what you've both done for me since I've been here." I smile.

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