32. Needy

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(Ariana's PoV)

It was the next day, Cat Danny and I all had music this morning. I had to finish off collecting my first terms worth of work into a portfolio which would eventually go towards my final grade. So far I had copies of my 'god is a woman' cover, my song and video to 'dance to this' with Danny, 'Sometimes' with Noah on guitar and now I just need another solo song to add. I had a few unfinished songs in my journal that I'm sure would help me cross the line with this one.

One unfinished song I do have is called 'off the table' which I started this year in biology class. I'd love to finish it but I don't think I'd ever be able to sing it.

One I also have that would be a good fit is called needy! It's a really personal song and is just about me! 'Sorry if I'm up and down' because I'm always up and down... 'scream and shout for what I love' because I do! 'I'll admit I'm a little messed up' because.. well you know..

I think this is the one!

I walk into the music block with Cat and Danny following close behind me to be met by our music professor.

"Morning all, this is your final piece of work for this term so make it count! You've have all completed some exceptional work this year and I just say that Ariana and Hailey you have both really wowed me!" She smiles.

"Oh wow thank you" I smile and look awkwardly at Cat as she knows how I hate being the centre of attention.

"Please submit your final first term portfolios before the end of next week in order for it to count towards your final grade. Work hard!" She smiles and leaves the building.

"Well mines nearly done so see you girls after recording and we will meet for lunch?" Danny smiles.

"Sounds good to me!" Cat smiles and I agree.

We all wonder off into separate recording booths. They knew how to use the recording system by heart, i however still struggled a little due to my late start to university.

I walk over to a spare booth as the door was open and walk inside

"Oh sorry!" I say and turn around to leave

"Don't be sorry! Share booths if you want?" Noah smiles at me.

I turn sound to face him and smile "sounds good"

"So, I already know you're going to have the most amazing song lined up." Noah smiles at me.

"And what makes you say that?" I laugh.

"Oh come on Ariana. Even you know you're one of the most talented musicians that ever came to this university" Noah says taking his books out his bags.

"Don't make me blush!" I laugh. "But yes I know which song I'm going to use." I smile.

"What's this one then? About anyone special?" He asks with a slight smirk.

"Ummm well yes actually. It's about me!" I say and shrug making Noah laugh.

"That makes two of us then" Noah says quietly as I get my books out my bag not hearing.

"What's this one called?" He asks.

"Needy, and yours?" I smile

"Through the dark" he smiles.

"Sounds fascinating! Can't wait to hear it" I smile pulling the usb of my backing track out my pocket and plugging it into the machinery.

"Want to go first?" He asks.

"Ladies first I guess" I smile and take my lyric sheet in the booth with me and plop the headphones on my head.

Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart (H.S / A.G)Where stories live. Discover now