40. Fuck Sake

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(Ariana's POV)

It was the next day. My head was absolutely pounding and I felt like I was going to throw up. My eyelids were so heavy I could barely open them.

I pull the duvet up to my chin and take a deep breathe. Wait. Something didn't feel right. I breathed through my nose and it hit me, why do I smell like Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille.

I wipe my eyes and force them open. Instantly I notice I am not wearing my clothes. I sit up and feel my heart drop to my stomach. Instantly I recognise where I am. Why am I here?!

I don't remember much from last night, but I can work out what happened. After extreme anxiety attacks and PTSD flashes I always have a particular type of headache and heart ache feeling. Oh Alfie..

"Morning" I hear.

I look over towards the couch and see Harry stood by it wearing grey sweatpants.

The instant panic set in, why was I here?

"We didn't-"

"No, we didn't." He reassures me and I sigh it relief.

"Ouch" he mumbles.

"Why am I not in my dorm?" I ask frantically.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" He asks.

"A little.. I can figure it out." I say quietly and look down.

"Well, after everything kicked off you weren't in a sober/stable state - infact I think you were spiked and you wanted to go back to the dorms but Cat wasn't able to help you so I offered to help. However when we got to your dorm the key was missing so we had to crash here. You freshened up, I found you some pyjamas and we went to bed. I made sure you drank lots of water to flush anything out. We didn't sleep next to each-other , I slept here all night. " Harry says nodding his head at the couch.

"I appreciate that. I'm urgh sorry for however I was and whatever you had to deal with and sorry you had to sleep on a couch" I say brushing over the topic getting out of the bed and collecting my things from Harry's floor.

"Ariana, are you okay?" Harry asks.

"I'm fine!" I say sternly but feel my eyes filling with water.

"Who's Alfie?" He asks.

I froze. I squeeze my eyes shut and pinch my wrist to stop myself from crying.
I was falling back down a hole I had worked so hard to climb out of. I can't go back down this route.

"I'm not sure, I don't know anyone with that name" I shrug with my back to him as I grab my heels and the last of my things.

I hear Harry walk up to me from behind and he puts a hand on my shoulder "Ariana, just do yourself a favour and don't go back to Noah. I told you he was a dick. And .. I hope you're okay" he says.

I stay quiet, that was different for Harry.  I turn around to face him and quietly say "thanks, but I'll be okay"

He gently puts his hand under my chin and pushed my head up making us lock eyes. Something about his presence made me feel so on edge but so safe. I believed him when he says nothing happened last night and I don't think he'd take advantage of me. In fact I know he wouldn't.

Eventually I break the long lasting eye contact and pull my face out of his hand. When I've had an anxiety attack as bad as I did last night this is usually a domino effect of many. I wasn't sure if staying at university was the right thing for me right now.

"See you around Harry" I half smile "but thanks you again, for making sure I was safe." I add and walk towards his door.

"Anytime, really." He says back genuinely.

I hold my belongings and walk out Harry's dorm hearing the door shut behind me. The dorm block was silent, people were clearly still fast asleep from last night. It was 9am which wasn't early but was definitely considered early after a heavy night before.

(Harrys POV)

Ariana left a lot quicker then I thought she would. Quicker than I had hoped.

Last night made me realise I had only ever met half of Ariana. There was a lot more to her then I thought. I felt so angry when I saw her crying last night, the look of betrayal on her face when she saw Noah. He had no idea how lucky he was and he blew it all. He doesn't deserve her. I suddenly feel even more anti-Noah then I did before.

One thing that did strike me was her emotions and dullness. I wasn't familiar with anxiety and hardcore emotions but it was clear Ariana was struggling a lot more then I ever imagined.

I have never seen such a bubbly girl go from looking so happy and dancing in the club with her friends to looking as emotionless and hurt as she did. It was as if she wasn't human, her body was so weak and she couldn't stop shaking. I wanted to know more but I knew it wasn't my place to find out yet.

We had a sold out night last night, here are some of our favourites snaps!

@ElectricRoomNightClub:We had a sold out night last night, here are some of our favourites snaps!

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// thanks for reading part 40!
Sorry it's short. Next update coming next week!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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