3. Catharina

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(Ariana's POV)

I felt as if my heart was about to jump out of my chest. I felt sick. I felt paranoid. I wanted my own  room. My own privacy. Guess it's time to meet my roommate!

I take a deep breathe before opening the door and pushing it open.

"Oh hey!" I hear a voice perk up.

I walk into the room pushing my suitcases as the door closes behind me.

A girl stands in front of me , taller then me, dark brown hair, big brown eyes, a similar frame and figure to me.

"I'm Catharina" she smiles and hugs me

"Ariana" I smile and hug her back.

"Let me help you" she smiles and helps me carry my cases into the bedroom.

The dorms were a little bigger then I expected.
We both had a double bed each, a small shared bathroom and a very small shared kitchen.
We each have a wardrobe. I put one of my suitcases onto the bed as Catharina lifts the other one up.

"So how come your 3 months behind?" Catharina asks smiling.

"Oh.. I don't really have an excuse. I'm just behind." I sigh.

"Oh your from America?!" She gasps.

"Yes Boca Raton , Florida" I smile

"Omg that's so cool ! I love your accent" she smiles.

Catharina seems nice. I keep my guard up with everybody though. It takes a lot from someone for me to.

"Thanks" I giggle.

"Omg and you have a cute laugh. The boys are gonna drool over you!" She laughs.

"I doubt it" I laugh awkwardly as I unzip my suitcase.

"Ooo who's this" Catharina smiles taking the frame of me and Alfie from the top of my case.

I gasp and snatch it from her hands.

She looks at me shocked.

"Oh sorry.. I uh- .. it's a long story..." I say looking down.

"It's okay ! I shouldn't have been nosey ! You can tell me when your ready!" She smiles.

After that awkward encounter she helped me for the next two hours unpacking my clothes and hanging them up in the small wardrobe. We had a good chat and got to know each other.

Catharina is 18 too! She is studying Music, Sport and English ! So we had two of the same classes together. She was telling me about how the music block was amazing. They had recording studios and everything! Catharina was like me, she mainly sung but could play the guitar. I could sing. That's it!
We had a good chat and she seemed nice. So far I have met two friendly people. So I guess that's a positive ?

"Can I ask a question?" She asks.

"Of course" I smile.

"Why is 90% of your wardrobe hoodies?"

"Oh.. I just feel comfortable in them" I shrug.

"You haven't got any dresses for the parties!" She points out.

"Oh- yeah I won't be going to any parties" I shrug.

"What?!? Why?" Catharina asks shocked.

"I mean I'm here to study. I've never been to a party" I admit.

"I mean that's fair enough. Maybe I can convince you in the future !" She smiles.

"Most likely not" I laugh.

Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart (H.S / A.G)Where stories live. Discover now