9. Blinking

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(Ariana's POV)

I see a smirk form on his face. Oh god..

I stand there for a few seconds hesitating.

"If you wouldn't mind there's a seat next to Harry!" The professor smiles.

I fake smile at the professor and walk towards the lab table that Harry was sat on.

It wasn't a usual classroom. It was specifically designed for science. There was two people to a table and the tables were spread out evenly along the classroom. (Picture at top.) Harry was sat at the back. I walk down the middle of the classroom and avoid eye contact with Harry. I put my bag down and take my seat. I could feel his eyes on me.

"Nice to see you again Aria" he smirks.

"It's Ariana." I say and roll my eyes.

"What can I call you ?" He asks folding his arms.

"Ari ? Ariana? Anything that's my name?" I shrug.

"Ari it is. Although Aria suits you" he winks.

"Well it's not my name" I say back.

What doesn't this boy understand? God this was gonna be a long lesson.
I hear him chuckle under his breathe and I tried ignoring him and listened to the professor whilst trying to write down notes. I can't lie, the fact he was sat next to me was a distraction enough. Seeing as he likes to act all cocky I decide to confront him about the girl I saw him with.

"So. Who was that girl you had pressed you against the side of the food block?" I ask bluntly turning my head staring right at him.

"Is someone jealous?" He smirks at me.

Oh god no. I was far from jealous !

"Not at all. Just wondered who the poor girl was" I shrug. I was trying not to smile.

"Well if you must know, I don't actually remember her name. She was there in the moment" Harry shrugs. Gross.

"Don't ya think Kendall would be a bit pissed off?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"You do know I'm not dating Kendall right?" He laughs

I mean.. She acts like they are ! She's so protective and clingy over him it makes me feel sick!

"How am I supposed to know ?" I ask

He shrugs and turns back to the front but carries on talking "I don't have girlfriends." He murmurs.

"I don't have boyfriends" I murmur back.

It's true. I don't. Well not anymore. Never again.

"Why?" He asks

Oh no... this is a conversation I really didn't want to start.

"That's none of your business." I say.

"I knew you had a story." He smirks.

"Story?! Everyone has a story. But wether or not I choose to share mine with you is up to me!" I say getting uncomfortable.

"I mean surely it's not that big of a deal ? Are you gay? Don't want sex til marriage ? What is it??" Harry asks intrigued.

"I'm not gay! And if I was that's still none of your business!" I roll my eyes.

"Come on just-"

"Stop." I say and snap the end of my pencil from the pressure it had on the table.

'Ariana come on just trust me' 'Ariana please don't do this' I love you. Please stop' 'I'm sorry Alfie' 'I don't want to see this ever again'

Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart (H.S / A.G)Where stories live. Discover now