6. Ponytail

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(Harrys POV)

Kendall's face when that Ariana girl spoke back to her like that was priceless.
Kendall is a bitch. All of us boys know she is. I'm only tolerate of her because she gives me the attention I want and I know if I ever wanted to fuck she'd be down.

But that girl, what was her name again ? Aria? Oh no Ariana. Well, she's hot. She has a gorgeous face and a slim but curvy figure. None of us expected her to sing the way she did. We were all sat behind the building smoking when we heard her belting and hitting whistle notes. We were all impressed but Kendall. Any attention I gave to another girl pissed her off.  I don't get why it pisses her off. She should know by now that I don't want a relationship. I fuck about, I smoke I do drugs and I play football: I'm happy with how my life is. Kendall is purely there to fulfil  one of those factors. 

I tend to have a bad reputation because of the way I choose to live life. But half of the people a few that judge me don't know me.

But anyway... Ariana's cute American accent. I was definitely going to make it my mission to get her in my room... I could tell by the way she spoke to Kendall it was going to be a challenge. But hey.. it's a good thing I like challenges.

(Ariana's POV)

A few hours had passed and me  Danny and Cat were making our way to the canteen as it was lunchtime.
We had spent the rest of the morning playing around with music and gossiping about Kendall and Hailey. I hadn't yet met Hailey properly so I haven't got a valid opinion on her. But Kendall? Hate the bitch.

We walk into the canteen and and line up in the que for food. I wasn't hungry... I didn't want to eat..

"What are you gonna get?" Catharina asks Danny

"Oooo the Cheese and Bacon wraps are my favourite!" Danny smiles.

"What about you Ari?" Catharina smiles.

"I'm not actually that hungry. Probably just some fruit" I smile and shrug.

"You need to eat though Ari" cat smiles

'You need to eat Ari' 'Your going to break us if you don't start taking care of yourself !' 'Ariana your breaking my heart. Please take care of yourself' 'EAT ARIANA'

"I Umm, I'll be fine!" I say and we walk forwards as it was our turn.

Danny got his usual wrap, Catharina picked up a pasta bowl and I stuck to an apple and a bottle of water.

We go and sit down on one of the only empty tables left. As we sit down we hear the room get quieter and quieter.

I look up and see Harry Liam Louis Niall and Zayn walking in.

I mean really? Is there any need for everyone to quiet down for them ?

"Wish I could make an entrance like that" Danny laughed and I laughed with him.

We all watch them, they walked straight up and grabbed their trays pushing through the que and taking the food they want without even saying thank you... jerks..

They start walking over in our direction.. fuck. I felt myself tense up and look away.

"You can stare love" Harry smirks as he walks past our table.

Oh god.. my cheeks went Bright red. How embarrassing!

Niall was last to past our table, before he did he stopped and turned to us.

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