8. Typical Bloke

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(Ariana's POV)

Me and Cat were finally making our way over to the performance stage that she forgot to show me ! I was excited to see it.  However Sport was definitely still playing on my mind. I can't believe he had the confidence to just come up to me and be the way he was ! I was gobsmacked!

"So.. what did Harry say to you?" She smiles biting her lip.

"He made a remark about my body, he was just being cheeky and flirty" I shrug.

"I mean I don't blame him for taking a liking to you. Cause you're gorgeous! But Jesus he will never be able to keep his dick in his pants!" Cat laughs.

"Im not interested in guys like that." I shrug.

"What is your type?" Cat asks.

"I guess I don't really have one. I fell in love with Alfie because it just happened." I shrug.

"What was he like?" She asks.

I go to speak but stop. I take a deep breathe but she notices.

"We don't have to talk about him" she smiles and quickly hugs me from the side.

"He made me feel special. He helped me, he encouraged me, he -" I say feeling my eyes water.

"Yeah I'll save it for another time" I smile wiping my eyes.

I knew I was going to have to tell them about Alfie one day. I just didn't know how. It's something I've been trying to forget. I was told I'd forget it eventually. But I've yet to find that special something or someone that has done that for me.


No. Stop it mind. STOP.

Wow.. I think it might have worked. Okay okay think positive now Ariana..

"We're here!" Cat smiles and opens the door.

We walk inside and wow ! There was a stage and seating. Don't get me wrong it was nothing special. It looked like the tiniest concert you could ever go to !

"Oh hey guys!" Danny smiles walking over to us.

"This is so cool!" I smile looking at all the stage equipment.

"It is awesome! Rehearsing here is fun. I feel like I'm Bruno Mars on stage" Danny laughs .

"God I'd be way too scared to sing on a stage" I laugh

"I'm sure we will convince you one day!" Cat smiles

"Not a chance!" I laugh nervously.

We all helped Danny moving the stage around as it needed updating and safety checks again. It was awesome. I'd love to have a go signing here but not with an audience. That's my worst nightmare!

Me and Danny were going to go backstage to sort out lighting there whilst Cat stayed at the front helping the other students.

"Oi Ari, tell Danny about Harry!" She says whispering loudly.

"OMG what happened?!?" He squeals.

"Shhhh" I laugh and we hurry backstage.

"What happened?!" He smiles widely. I sit down on a near by costume crate and Danny sits on the floor.

"I mean not a lot ! He was just trying to intimidate and flirt with me!" I shrug.

Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart (H.S / A.G)Where stories live. Discover now