31. That smile

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(Ariana's POV)

I had a really fun afternoon with Cat and Danny,  it was beginning to get late and we knew football training would be finished soon and it was my plan to question zayn for Cat.

We begin walking up the stairs towards our room and Danny says "that's them walking over now"

"Shit okay you two run I'll act natural" I laugh.

Danny and Cat run upstairs to their dorm and I start walking back down as if I'm going to the music block.

Louis Liam and Niall walk in first. "Oh hey Ariana" Niall smiles.

"Oh hey guys!" I smile and continue walking past them looking for Zayn.

"Ari hi!" Noah smiles walking in, his hair was all sweaty and he had mud all over him from training.

"Hi Noah, you look...dirty" I laugh.

He laughs and looks down at himself "yes I do, do you maybe want to hang-"

"Shit there's Zayn, Noah I need to speak to him can you text me? Sorry!" I say and speedily walk past him.

"Oh yeah sure!" I hear him call and carry on walking.

I open the doors and walk out of the dorm block just as zayn was about to walk inside.

"Oh zayn! Fancy seeing you here" I smile.

"Yeah, well this is the dorm block" he laughs.

"Yes" I mumble and look around to make sure he was alone.

"Everything okay?" He laughs walking towards the door.

"Yes! Everything's great, how was training?" I smile blocking the door and he looks at me funny.

"Ari, what do you want?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Urgh." I sigh "is it that obvious?" I ask.

"Yes" he laughs and sits on the wall by the entrance to the block.

"Okay.. I'm just going to jump straight to the point. You like cat right? As in like her like her?" I ask.

"Well considering we hang out most days and my tongue is occasionally down her throat I think you can answer that yourself" he laughs as I cringe.

"Okay, so things are great between you, are you guys like official yet or?" I ask.

"No we haven't put the boyfriend girlfriend label on it yet" he says looking around. Weird.

"Why not?" I ask bluntly.

He sighs and runs his hand through his hair again checking no one's around.

"Is she starting to ask why we're not?" He says.

"Well.. it just seems stupid that you're not yet" I shrug.

"Look there's a reason okay, I do really like her but I just can't do it yet" he says.

I furrow my eyebrows thinking why.

"But why? You're not leading her on are you?" I ask seriously.

"Ariana no-"

"Because if you are, I will literally rip your nuts off" I say seriously.

"Ariana relax." He says "I'm keeping her safe." He says.

"What do you mean!?" I ask.

"Look, you can't repeat what I'm going to say to anyone okay?" He says seriously. He did look strict this time, scared almost.

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