35. Glowing

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(Harrys PoV)

Seeing Ariana flustered around me made me happy.
She tries to hide it with her sassy side but she can't hide it from me.

I absolutely hated seeing Noah's post yesterday.

I felt angry and annoyed and I've never felt like that before, I don't know what I was feeling but I didn't like it. I don't want to have that feeling again.

I was so excited to hear she would be attending a party next week, finally! It's only taken 35 chapters..

I knew she would be in the gym and it's why I came, she was right about it being dead on Sunday and I've picked up on her routine so came too.

Sundays for me were long, I had a lot of business to sort out with Jax which was never fun but has to be done..

(Ariana's POV)

I washed and changed in the gym facilities and was on my way to the canteen to meet cat and Danny for lunch.

I see Cat sat with Danny and smile speeding up walking over to them. I sit down next to Cat opposite Danny and wiggle my eyebrows at her.

"How was your night!?" I ask excitedly.

"Mine!! How about yours?!" She laughs back

"No but seriously, how was it!" I smile

"It was so lovely Ariana, he bought me the most beautiful flowers and made our room all nice, ordered my favourite take out and was just so lovely" cat smiles. "Thank you so much again for letting us have the dorm"

"No problem at all! I had a great night and good fun with danny" I smile.

"However.. you didn't tell me you were planning on meeting with Noah!" She whispers excitedly.

"Well.. I wasn't planning on it!" I laugh.

We spend the next few hours catching up talking about our nights and I fill cat in with all the Noah gossip.
A lot had happened in the past 24 hours, a lot!!

"What do you guys want to eat? I'll go grab something" Danny says.

"Ohhh, a cheesy burrito roll with a side salad and a coke! Please!" Cat smiles.

"A tuna salad with a water please!" I smile.

Danny walks off to get our food and returns shortly after.

"I also forgot to mention.. turns out I'm going to a party next week" I say and take a bite of my salad.

Cat chokes on her coke and spits it out all over her side salad and gasps.

Danny also widens his eyes and looks straight at me.

"Excuse me? Can you repeat that?" Danny asks dropping his food, cat still unable to talk.

"Long story short I lied to Harry and now I'm coming next week" I say and sip my water.

"What do you mean you lied?!" Cat says turning to face me.

"We had a moment in the gym earlier and I may or may not have said Noah invited me to a party and that I said yes!!" I whisper.

Cat squeals quietly not causing too much attention.

"Ariana I love you" she laughs "one for lying to Harry, and two for coming to a party!!"

"Well I don't want to, okay? I'll be honest. But no change in hell am I going to let Harry know I was lying. I just might need to get Noah to actually ask me now" I laugh and shake my head.

"Oh he definitely will! Just say you've been considering it and he'll convince you to go!" Cat smiles excitedly.

"Next weekend is already going to be the best weekend ever I can tell" Danny smiles excitedly.

"You guys better take care of me.." I laugh and shake my head "good thing we bought those dresses back a few weeks because that's all I have to wear!" I laugh.

"Ariana we will have the best night ever, I'm proud of you for this and I promise we will take the best care of you" cat smiles.

"Thanks guys!" I smile and continue eating my salad.

- a few hours later-

I was sat in my dorm doodling in my song book.

I had hundreds of finished songs in this book, some I share, most I don't!

Safe to say I was a closed book, but I'm definitely starting to open up. A fresh start was definitely needed and it's taken it's time but I'm starting to accept that change is okay.

But the main thing was, I was okay, not great, but not bad. Okay. I'm okay! And that's such  an improvement for me.

As much as I didn't want to go partying, a small part of me was excited? Only a very very small part.

I had a lot of fun with you last night! Hopefully do it again soon? :) x

I would love that! What are you up to next
weekend? Xx

Noah💙: I was going to this party but I'll cancel plans to be  with you :) x

No don't cancel plans! I'll just come with you! If that's okay, of course?? X

I would love that ;) x

It's a plan then! ^.^ x

Well, that's that sorted! Thank god.. it feels real now! Ahh!!!!

state of mind I wanna be in like all the time 💧

@ArianaGrande:state of mind I wanna be in like all the time 💧

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Liked by CatharinaCabello, HarryStyles and 14,836 others.
@DannySivan: OKAY! 🔥
@CatharinaCabello: glowing absolutely glowing 
@HarryStyles: 🫢😉

// thanks for reading part 35!

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