14- Betrayal

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You were sitting in Mr. Petrou’s class trying to convince yourself that you could handle seeing Chase and feeling nothing. After all, you had reccommited to doing what it took to being happy with Josh. The moment he walked in your feet began to tap instinctively out of anticipation. You could feel the electricity in the air begging to collide. You tried to avoid eye contact but you realized he was carrying something and your curiosity got the best of you. 

He was carrying a tote bag and a smile and headed straight for you so you immediately began apologizing again for leaving the way you did:
“I have something for you, open it.”

You looked inside the bag and it was a small container with a few of the cutest attempt at decorating cupcakes you’d probably ever seen. He’d stayed up late finishing them after you left and brought you a few. Even though they were messy, it was seriously the most effort a boy has ever made for you. Josh would never.

You: “I’m so sorry, Chase

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You: “I’m so sorry, Chase. For everything.”

Chase: *smiling*
“Hey, I wouldn’t change a thing.”

After class you were putting the cupcakes gently in your locker when you realized you’d gotten frosting from the side of the container all over the side of your hand. You licked it off and the taste of the sweet frosting pulled you back to the memory of the night before. You stood there lost in your daydream when Ness walked up:
“God I could never. I would get so fat.”

Mads: “Don’t listen to Ness. One cupcake won’t make anyone fat, but just to be safe… you should give the other 3 to me.”

Mads laughed at her own joke while Nessa shook you back to reality:
“Have you seen Josh’s tiktok? All the comments are shipping him and Charli now because he tagged her in his latest f-boy video.”

You: “What? Why would he do that? They’ve never even met.”

Jaden walked up and kissed Mads then tried to pick up on the conversation. After Mads filled him in he scoffed:
“That’s complete crap. They have definitely met in person.”

You: “What? No. He told me so.”

Jaden: “They spent the entire weekend of playlist together and I don’t know if they hooked up or not but that is the rumor.”

You flashed back to that weekend almost a year ago and replay the big fight he started a few hours before he left. He’d broken up with you in the heat of the moment and wouldn’t answer your messages while he was gone. Right before his flight home he’d begged for you to forgive him and swore he was just upset because he’d felt like you weren’t supporting him.

He’d made you feel so guilty for something you KNEW you would never do. You’ve always been supportive of him. Was it all so he could hook up with Charli and not feel guilty? You looked up and your eyes met Chase’s across the hallway. He was obviously waiting to talk to you but before you could react Nessa sneered:
“Oh look, your puppy followed you here.”

Josh: *walking up only having caught Nessa’s comment*
“Go on dog. Be gone.”

Chase turned and ran off, visibly upset.

You: “What tf is wrong with you guys? Jaden, can you drive my sister home?”

You didn’t even wait for a response before you took off after Chase. 

Josh: *yelling after you*
“Wtf? Where are you going?”

You were already out the doors and to your car before you even processed what you were doing. Chase’s car was gone so you rushed to his house. 

You knocked on the door but his mom answered and told you he wasn’t home. You were feeling defeated when Avani came outside:
“He left before school was even over so whatever you did… it was bad.”

You hopped back in your car and decided to go absolutely every place you could find along his route home from school and still came up empty. You circled back around to your house hoping that if you tried calling him, maybe he’d answer. When you pulled into your driveway you saw Chase standing on your porch. 

You raced across the yard as fast as your legs would take you:
“Oh my God. Chase, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry about everything. I can’t believe they treated you that way.”

Chase: “I-” 

You: “Josh is a jerk, I can’t even believe I believed in him. He is everything everyone tried to tell me.”

You threw your arms around Chase’s necks and he pulled back numb to anything you were saying.

You: “I have just been so confused and I know that. All I know right now is how badly I want to kiss you.”

You reached up onto your tip-toes and kissed him without an ounce of the hesitation of the last 2 times. As the kiss intensified you felt Chase pull away leaving you in shock. 

Chase: “You can’t keep kissing me.”

You: *choking out the words*
“You don’t want to kiss me?”

Chase: “I’ve never wanted anything more, but every time you kiss me you pull back and run away. I don’t know why you’re so scared of anything real.”

You: “I’m trying…”

Chase: “I deserve for you to be sure… of me. Until then you have to stop kissing me.”

He pulled away from your grip and walked across the street to his car that you hadn’t even noticed parked there in your hurry.

When you got upstairs you found your mom in Mads room talking about her plans for the dance and burst through the door. They looked at you in confusion as you collapsed on the bed in tears.

 They looked at you in confusion as you collapsed on the bed in tears

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(Mads' room)

Mom: “Baby, talk to me. What happened?”

Mads: “She got in a fight with Josh again at school, he was bullying one of her friends and well… sorry… I should let her tell you.”

You opened your mouth to tell them a more delicate version of the truth but instead the whole of everything came pouring out. Within minutes you’d admitted to everything. The coffee shop, the feelings, the friendship, the kisses, the cupcakes… everything. 

Mads: “I hate to be the one to admit it first but everyone in this family thinks Josh is a world class a-hole.”

Mom: “Honey, you know we will support whatever and whoever you choose but you have to make a decision. If you keep kissing Chase while you’re dating Josh then, I’m sorry to say it, but you’re not much better than Josh.”

The truth hurt but you knew she was completely right and the harsh advice came from the most sincere and understanding part of her heart. 

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