60- Cynthia

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She didn’t hear from him the entire next day but she decided to give him space. Besides, her stomach was still feeling so much more uncomfortable than it had ever before. The next morning she overslept and then rushed to school forgetting her hoodie. When she grabbed her bag she noticed a jacket in the trunk and held it in front of her stomach as she rushed to class.

Josh wasn’t in class and the second the professor dismissed them, she rushed outside and scrolled through her contact list for his number. He didn’t answer, so she turned to see if he was hanging with his friends over in the field they always played frisbee or football in.

 He didn’t answer, so she turned to see if he was hanging with his friends over in the field they always played frisbee or football in

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When she spun back around, she ran smack dab into Cynthia. The force of bumping into each other made Nessa drop what was in her hand which included her jacket. Cynthia stared at Nessa’s belly as she snapped out of her shocked state and scrambled to pull her shirt to be more loose. Cynthia bend down to pick up her jacket only able to utter out a stunned:

Nessa took her jacket and slid her arms through before wrapping it around her round belly

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Nessa took her jacket and slid her arms through before wrapping it around her round belly.

Cynthia: “I’m sorry. I just- I had no clue you were pregnant.”

Nessa: “I haven’t really told many people outside of my family. It’s a complicated situation.”

Cynthia: “You just always wear baggy clothes so I had no idea.”

Nessa: “Ugh, I know. I’m a cow.”

Cynthia: “Hell no. You’re totally gonna be a hot mom.”
Nessa blushed and Cynthia grabbed Nessa’s bag:
“You gotta fill me in on this complicated situation. Let’s go get lunch.”

When they got to the diner, the wait was 2 hours so they decided to get take-out and head to Cynthia’s dorm since she lived on campus. Nessa opened up about her life:
“No, definitely not planned.”

Cynthia: “Are you still with the father?”

Nessa: “It was kinda a one night stand on my way out of the closet. We are trying to be friends now at least.”

Cynthia ate her chinese noodles completely invested in Nessa’s story. She was so sweet and not at all judgemental.

Cynthia: “How did your parents react?”

Nessa: “Not well, but my best friend’s parents took me in and I live with them now. She left for college already, but her family has been just amazing.”

Cynthia: “Yea it sounds kinda like they are your family now too.”

Nessa: “Yeah, I guess so.”

Talking about what she’d been through the last 8 months was therapeutic even though she’d purposely left out the part of the story that Josh was her best friend’s ex… and not so much her ex at the time of conception.

Cynthia: “Having a baby has to be the coolest thing you could ever do. It’s like having a built in best friend for life.”

Nessa: “I guess I never looked at it that way.”

As Nessa listened to Cynthia praise how strong she was, she found herself wondering if she was flirting with her. She decided to test the waters with an offer:
“Speaking of my family. We are all throwing a Halloween party tomorrow night. You should come.”

Cynthia: “Costumes, I hope?”

Nessa: “Yep!!”

Before Cynthia could formally accept, Nessa noticed the song playing in the background and completely flipped out:
“Oh my God, no way!!! This is my best friend’s song!! It’s on the radio!!!!”

Cynthia: “This song is dope! I’ve been listening all week!”

They jammed out to Jaden's song, 'Tonight' as Nessa started to feel the possibility of feeling happy on the horizon.


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