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"KOKU-SAN!" KOKUSHIBO TURNED to a radiant y/n slipping off her zori scandals at the front of the door. He tilted his head with a genuine puzzled expression. "I have something to ask you!"

"..Koku-san?" Y/n paused, shortly realizing her slip up. The man observed her facial expressions, she stiffened for a small moment before sputtering a string of jumbled words even he couldn't comprehend. Most likely trying to defend herself. He didn't have to see her cheeks red, it was clear as day that she was embarrassed. Her soft eyes were cast down on the floor, fingertips playing with her kimono.

"I-I'm sorry, I just-! I knew we haven't
met for long but.." Y/n bit her lip before speaking, "I just thought i-it was a cute nickname.." She mumbled. Kokushibo's eyes widened. Ah, There it was again.

The wild throbbing of his heart. Had it been anyone else who said that, he wouldn't even dare to pay them any mind. Cute? Him? The best reaction someone would get is a cold stare but just seeing her so flustered and shy made any sense of reasoning he had immediately thrown out at the window.

"..you're the one that's cute." He whispered, face turning warm. Y/n looked up, eyebrows furrowed.


"I-I mean I have no problem with that.
It's..its fine." Kokushibo inwardly cursed himself for stammering. He quickly changed the subject to avoid any further awkwardness.

"You said you had something to ask me." Y/n nodded, setting her sketch book on her table. "I do! I was actually wondering..." With a confident smile, she opened her lips,

"Can I touch your face?"



It took every restraint in Kokushibo's body to say no

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It took every restraint in Kokushibo's body to say no.

However, despite his internal struggles, he lost.

𝐑𝐄𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now