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yoriixgu's journal !
we just gon pretend
yesterday was not
valentine's day so
happy valentine's day!

On Valentine's Day, y/n is gifted a candy bar
by a little admirer of hers, which she quickly adores. However, the painter is somewhat uncertain whether a particular high-ranked
demon will like her gift.

 However, the painter is somewhat uncertain whether a particular high-ranked demon will like her gift

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"THAT'LL BE 1500 yen, ma'am." The old woman smiled, putting y/n's items in her bag. Y/n nodded, fishing the money out of her small purse before handing the money to the merchant. As she began her way to the route of her home, the voice of a young boy stopped her.

"H-Happy Valentine's Day Ma'am !"

Y/n felt a small tug on her kimono. A small boy with a huge nervous grin no older than five held the rim of her kimono, a blush coating his cheeks as the dark brown woman gaze down at him. "Oh?" She glowed, making the small boy look up at her in awe. In his hands was a chocolate bar, dressed in a pink wrapper.

Y/n bent to his level, a warm chuckle leaving her lips. "Hello." She giggled, patting his head. "Happy Valentine's Day."

"Please accept my gift ma'am!" Her lips parted in surprise. Nonetheless, she nodded out of kindness and opened her hand in front of the boy. The child set the sweets in her palm as Y/n's heart swelled in content. It was unfortunate she couldn't see the little one's face, he probably an adorable face to match his energetic personality.

She was a bit concerned though, y/n didn't mind the child's gift she was naturally a kind person. Had it been any other stranger, they probably wouldn't have been as nice.

"Every time I come with mommy to buy food, I see you a-and I think you're really pretty!"

"Oh really? Hm What a kind boy." Y/n praised, clapping her hands. Oh if only she could witness the pink growing on the youth's face, she would surely tease him. "May I ask the name of such a gentleman?"

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