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"Y/N-! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, CHILD?" A woman no older than sixty stood wide-eyed before the door as the smiling woman laughed from her surprised voice.

"Surprise, Grandma!" Y/n giggled, pulling her grandmother into a hug. The older woman embraced her grandchild, smile soft and warm.

"Wha-! Look at you, hovering over me! You're almost as tall as your grandpa!" 

"Good thing for him; I stopped growing a few years ago."

An older man's voice yelled further into the home. "Yah! Megumi! What's all that commotion over there, huh?!"

Megumi huffed, releasing herself from the hug and turned her focus inside. "Tatsuki! You don't even remember the voice of your granddaughter!"

"Eh!? I have a granddaughter!?"

"Ah...Grandpa forgot me again?" Megumi sucked her teeth, ushering Y/n in and closing the door to shield themselves from the icy air.

"His mind is getting all jumbled up again. I had trouble sleeping a few weeks ago because he thought the house was flooded." She muttered, and y/n's eyes crinkled with remorse as her grandmother patted her back.

Megumi smiled at her grandchild, standing on her toes to pat her cheek. "No need to get sad, my dear. As soon as he sees you, he'll remember." Y/n huffed.

"The last time I came, he called me mother. No doubt he'll do it again."

"Ah, that's not.."

A burly middle-aged man walked into the room. Sliver eyes narrowed unto y/n before rising in surprise. "Eh? Asami?"

"Asami! When did you get so tall!?"

Y/n silently looked at her grandmother, raising an eyebrow. Megumi merely looked the other way and sighed.

"Tatsuki, you idiot! It's y/n, not Asami! Your granddaughter!" Megumi growled, rubbing her temple. The stress was evident on her wrinkled face.

He frowned, displeased. "What do you mean, my granddaughter!? Asami and Takashi got married already!? Why didn't I get invited!"

"You were there! Right beside me, crying like a blockhead!"

"Ehh!? Whose cryin' like a blockhead! I don't remember none of that!"

𝐑𝐄𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now