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"I HAVE TO go now."

"..Oh." Kokushibo stood a little far from the entrance at the door where y/n was, watching her fix her hair. She put the hairpin he gifted her in her hair. The decorative piece went well with her kinky curls. As if they were made for her. At least that's what Kokushibo thought. To him, everything looked good on her.

He frowned as the sunlight peeked through the door, his natural enemy. He wanted to send her off, to be close to her, but it was in his blood to stay away from the sun. He didn't feel like burning some of his skin at the moment.

He took a light step back as the door widened slightly due to a short breeze passing through. The light entered further..as if teasing him. Warning him that he was an aberration, someone that couldn't even stand in the light rays of the sun next to her. Forced to lurk in the dark. How could he compare to her?

As if sensing his disappointment, y/n sent him a small, comforting smile. They just made up and she was already leaving.

"How do I look?"

"Pretty...as always." He answered without much thought. Y/n wavered, staring in his direction. Her skin began to feel hot. Heart palpitating. He thought...she was pretty?

"O-Oh...Um, you'll wait until I come back right?" Y/n questioned with a stammer, suddenly becoming shy. "Or are you going to leave for a few weeks like usual-?" Kokushibo shook his head.

"No, I'll be here...waiting for you."

She walked up to him and patted his chest, laughing a bit. "Don't sound so dejected Koku-san! I just have to visit someone, okay? I'll be back before you know it." Although her words were to reassure him, he couldn't help but be worried.

"..I want to come with you." He muttered but his words fell on deaf ears. Y/n was too occupied with checking if she was missing anything on her way out.

"See you, Koku-san." She waved at him, a huge grin adorning her face. Kokushibo waved back, but slowly plopped his hand down to his side after remembering she couldn't see it.


As she closed the door and silence made its way into the house with ease, Kokushibo headed straight to her painting studio. Where her scent was heavily concentrated. Comforting and warm.

He let out a deep sigh through his nose as he sat on a wooden chair with a small wooden table, facing dozens of sketchbooks messily scattered. Some were wide open for all to see, while others were either closed or flipped over.

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