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"WHEN DID YOU discover your passion for painting?" Kokushibo questioned, leaving the painting room with y/n. Y/n paused, pondering for a moment before smiling.

"Very young." She answered. "When I was five years old, my mother bought me a painting of a small black puppy for my birthday." Y/n mused, eyes softening at the memory.

"She said it reminded her of me." The male gazed in silence as Y/n chuckled, brushing a few strains of her kinky curls from her face. "I loved it so much, I took a blank piece of paper and redrew it. I couldn't color it at the time because we didn't own paint."

"...did she like it?"

"Did she like it?" She repeated, a tint of amusement laced in her silky voice. "She loved it. She even called it perfect!" Y/n giggled.

She fumbled with her decorative white kimono, scraping some paint off with her nails. "I still have them, but they're somewhere in the house..I'll show you someday." Y/n's smile faltered for a bit, mumbling something.

"Unless you'll be still here."

Kokushibo tilted his head, missing her words. "What?"

She shook her head at the demon. "Nothing for you to worry about, Kokushibo-san." Deciding not to pry further, he just let out a small hum. "So..where is your mother now?"



Kokushibo blinked.

Y/n blinked.



Y/n felt embarrassed, face hot and gray eyes apologetic. She was glad due to her dark skin, he wasn't able to see her flaming cheeks. "I-I'm sorry- that was too blunt, wasn't it?"

"It's fine. I'm very straight forward as well." He assured.

"Uh..so where is your mother?"



Y/n blinked.

Kokushibo blinked.


"Oh." She repeated before slowly falling into a fit of small giggles. "Oh! Ooh!"

"We copied each other!" She laughed, eyes curving into moon crescents. Soon, kokushibo felt his heart begin to beat faster at the sight of y/n laughing. He didn't intend to copy her. It was only by coincidence being as he was just as blunt and ruthlessly honest. But yet seeing the happy expression on her face made his chest flood with a warmth he thought he had forgotten long ago.


What was this sensation again?

What was this sensation again?

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