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Y/N HUMMED QUIETLY, perched under the big tree near her small home. It was a nice cool day outside, despite it being in the winter. For the past few weeks, there were no signs of snow, much to her relief.

She tapped the pencil in her hand against her forearm to the rhythm, silver-grey eyes narrowed in concentration. The sketchbook resting in her lap was barren with complexion, desperate for the umber brown woman to stain its pages with color.

However, the sight-impaired human was conflicted. She had shaded and colored every living thing in her mind. It was too repetitive, dyeing her small canvases with the same images over, and over. Year and year again.

Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall.

The same animals. Dog, cat, rabbit, birds.

Rivers, lakes, trees, flowers, the sun. The moon.

She had drawn every one of them to memory. With exact detail. So much to the point that her interest was gradually diminishing. That unsettled her. A frustrated sigh left her lips, face morphing into irritation, her tight grip on the pencil loosening. Painting was her passion, the adult could even go as far as to say the love of her life. It was one of the few things she was truly good at doing in life. Losing her passion would be like losing a part of her identity.

Y/n wanted to create something else. More interesting. Something...new.

"....Y/n. Y/n." The aspiring painter felt a hand rest on her shoulder. The icy sensation made her jolt, tearing her out of her dilemma.
"Hm? Kokushibo-san?"

Y/n rested her hand upon the latter's hand, eyes shifting in concern. "Kokushibo-san your hand!" She gasped, standing from her seated position, the woman grabbed his large hands.

"Y/n," The demon was cut off as y/n tugged his purple kimono down to her height(y/n stop that's kinda hot 🤭)pressing the palm of her hands against his cheeks. He could only gawk with bated breath and wide eyes as she squished his cheeks.

Kokushibo was fortunate enough y/n wasn't able to see the ruddiness staining his cheeks, nor the erratic sound of his heart beating against his chest from how close their faces were. Her curly hair brushed against his skin, tickling one of his eyes.

"You're so cold. God, are you sick?" She spoke in a whisper, removing her hands from his face before clapping their hands together, veering around to rush into the warmth of her home. "It's more warm inside, I'll make you some tea!"

"Y/n really, I'm-" Kokushibo stood still in his spot, amused as y/n tried to drag him into her house, failing in an attempt to do so as he was much stronger than her. It only took a small tug for her body to stumble into his arms, backside pressed against his chest. "I'm fine," he whispered in her ear, oblivious to notice how hot y/n's skin became, goosebumps erupting on her brown skin from the low tone of his voice. (you wish that was you huh?)


"My skin is naturally...cold. Even during the day." He fibbed smoothly, glancing down at the woman who still seemed unconvinced. Y/n frowned. But his skin was so cold. Glass cold. Was he even human? How could it even be possible for a human to be standing properly at such a temperature?

"Even during the summer?" The upper moon hummed. "Spring?"


It was only a few minutes of silence until y/n sighed, nodding her head. "Ok..Okay." She muttered, leaving out of the comfort of his arms. "I believe you." Kokushibo felt the guilt clawing within his conscience for lying to her, but he could never tell he was a demon.

A monster. The man didn't want to imagine her kind face morphing into terror at his true nature. Just the thought of him never seeing her beautiful smiles made his heart grow uneasy.

"That's really concerning though,
but I'm glad you're fine." She chuckled. "It's been a few weeks since we met hasn't it?"

"It has."

"I didn't really do anything. My life is just plain old boring." She shrugged before looking at the man in front of her. "How about you?"

"Nothing..same as you." Y/n hummed, tapping her cheek. "How about we go inside, I'll make some tea." Nodding in agreement, Kokushibo turning to the small house, making his way inside. Just as y/n was going to follow, a sudden thought crossed her mind.

"My sketchbook!" She gasped. The blind woman scurried to grab her empty sketchbook and pencil. She was disappointed that she couldn't think of anything. "Maybe I really am losing my spark.." she huffed, walking with a solemn expression.

She just wanted to create something new..
something interesting..someone-

"Someone...create someone-!" The sudden realization dawned on her face. Y/n's smile widen into a hopeful grin, as she picked up her pace. Maybe y/n wasn't losing her passion,

Maybe she just needed new inspiration.

Maybe she just needed new inspiration

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