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yoriixgu's journal !
So it's been a minute, huh🧍🏽‍♀️
I'm so sorry, y'all, I had to rewrite
this chapter so many times, I still
feel a bit unsatisfied but it's wayy
better than before; trust me 😭

also, please note I did try to
make kokushibo's inner dialogue
as realistic as possible- so if you see
some questionable choice of words
it's me playing into the jealous/
greedy side of his personality.

Well, I hope you guys enjoy!

As she closed the door and silence made its way into the house, Kokushibo headed straight to her painting studio. Where her scent was heavily concentrated. Comforting and warm.

He let out a deep sigh through his nose as he sat on a wooden chair with a small wooden table, facing dozens of sketchbooks messily scattered. Some were wide open for all to see, others were either closed or flipped over.

There was one open sketchbook showing details of a human face not finished. The jawline was defined and the shading of the drawing's nose was superb. The only parts missing were the person's hair and the eyes. Next to the incomplete human face was an unfinished kimono, two messy circles drawer by pencil were under it. Next to it were words labeled in messy, rushed writing.

'kimono color palette.'

Kokushibo wondered who she was drawing. If this was just a rough sketch, he could only imagine how beautiful the final draft would come out to be. Y/n was truly talented.

Kokushibo was curious about the other books but made no move to do so. They were her belongings, personal drawings that she was probably protective over. Looking through them would be invading her privacy. She wouldn't have known...but she trusted him enough to be left in her house, he did not want to lose that trust.

He laid his arms on the table, head resting on his forearm as he felt boredom weighing down his shoulders. The upper moon closed his eyes, drowsiness weighing down on his eyes despite not doing anything. Maybe the warmth in the room was so soothing it made him drowsy.

"...I miss her already." He murmured.

Soon, sleep took possession of his mind, and so the upper moon succumbed to its tender embrace.


"I seriously don't get how you guys can do it? Is that like a Kamado thing? Dancing in the snow every year? Maybe your ancestor was a fire God and your bones are made out of fire."

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