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"KOKU-SAN. WHAT IS...THIS?" Y/N FELT SOMETHING SOFT AND FLUFFY brush against her Zori sandals, pacing back and forth like an excited child between her feet. Curious, she bent down to touch it, only to yelp as the fluffy thing jumped at her– yipping as tiny paws pressed against her kimono.

"Oh!" Her lips parted in surprise, quickly realizing it was a small puppy!

"No," Kokushibo commanded, looking at the animal sternly. The puppy cowered, slightly whining as it hid behind y/n's legs. The woman chuckled.

"Don't be so harsh. He just surprised me, that's all."

Y/n crouched down to pick it up, petting the animal's soft fur with a warm expression. "There's no need to be scared; he isn't a scary person. Isn't that right, Koku-san?"

Kokushibo grunted.

"See? He's very nice." She laughed at his disgruntled retort.

"May I ask where did you find him? Or she-?"

"I found him alone on my way here and assumed he was abandoned, so I took him with me."

Y/n seemed to disapprove of this, judging by the frown pulling down at the corner of her lips. "Koku-san, you can't just assume he was abandoned. What if his owner is looking for him?"

"I found him alone in the snow. What owner would leave their pup in such freezing conditions unless cruel?"

Kokushibo glanced at the tiny thing sniffling y/n's clothes before looking back at her. "And it seems...he has already taken a liking to you."

He could feel her uncertainty. "Koku-san.."

"He will help you be less lonely." He assured.

He knew he had won once seeing her resolve crack."Not every day will I be with you. So it is best if you have a companion. He is lively and will surely liven the spirits of this house."

"And what of the expenses?" She retorted. "Animals are not easy to manage, especially given how expensive they are."

"I will manage that for you. All you need worry about is your happiness."

𝐑𝐄𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now