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yoriixgu's journal !
blind woman rizzes up
a 465+ year-old demon
but then gets rizzed up!
But then rizzes him up–
uh I think u get the point
by now 🧍🏽‍♀️

Part 10000 of y/n living
my dream. I spoil this girl
so damn much it's insane


Yes, you read correctly.

In the current Meiji period, here he was in a small home up in the mountains, the strongest demon in all the twelve moons and, if not most powerful of his kind (second to his lord), struggling to get a sick human woman to lay in bed.

If anyone were to blame for this, it would be that good-for-nothing demon.

The toll from the stress of her life threatened, along with the harsh weather of winter, affected her greatly, and so Kokushibo was demoted (self-proclaimed) from Upper Moon One to a human caretaker in a single day.

He knew little to nothing about how the human body worked...at least not anymore. But he did know that humans needed plenty of rest and water to lead the body to recovery.

Y/n was....instead doing the opposite of that.

Instead of sleeping and drinking medicine like any sane human being would do when rehabilitating, the demon found her cooped up in her art room with at least three blankets wrapped around her body entirely. In her hands was a brush, stroking a purple hue along the unfinished canvas with delicate accuracy.

Kokushibo felt exhaustion seep into his bones just by looking at her.

"Y/n." Like a startled animal, the woman jumped in her seat, clutching her blankets tightly before slowly turning at his voice.

"...Koku-san." Her voice was angelic. Soft. As if she hadn't given him two hours of hell trying to get her to drink a cup of herbal tea. It was as if she was allergic to getting better; the demon was highly concerned.

Most times, Kokushibo would preen at her attention directed at him if it weren't for the fact that one, she refused to rest for the sake of her well-being, and two, she kept running away from him every time he tried to make her drink medicine.

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