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"IT WAS REALLY nice spending time with you Kokushibo-san." Y/n smiled, setting the empty cups on a tray before heading off to the kitchen. "There's nothing interesting really here, but you may look around if you want."

Watching as her form disappeared into
the kitchen, Kokushibo felt the tea he drank rise from the back of his throat, urging him to spit it out quick.

His hand hastily rose to his lips, the warm liquid seeping between his fingers as he rushed with silent footsteps to a random room that hopefully had a garbage can. With luck, his yellow eyes landed upon a small garbage can.


Dashing into the room without haste
the upper moon kneeled in front of the garbage and spat up the liquid, only ceasing until every drop left his system.

It wasn't that Y/n made awful tea. As a matter of fact the woman's tea was very good, he even complimented her on how sweet and warm it tasted.

And no- he totally did not compliment her to also see the way her cloudy silvery eyes brighten and radiate smile, definitely not.

Totally not.

No matter the food or drink he tasted, how good it smelled, it wouldn't last long in his stomach, the need for it was no longer needed for his body. The need for human food was no longer an issue for him.

His mind only desired
human flesh.

'I need to wash my hands.' He thought, looking at his dirty palm with a blank look. Standing up from his crouching position, Kokushibo took the time to look around the room and when he did, he was amazed.

Beautiful canvas paintings decorated the room, all painted with such thorough detail and stunning colors making each portrait stand out.

Most were nature portraits,
ranging from season to season. Some were paintings of animals, the maximum being bunnies, a few foxes,  but yet he still marveled at them nonetheless.

The man brushed his thumb against the dry paint of one specific painting, a glowing full moon enveloped by infinite hues of white. His eyes trailed on every detail, each stroke, color, and shade used to create such beautiful work.

It was such an incredible sight.

"Kokushibo-san? Are you in here?" Y/n called, alerting the demon of her presence. "He must have left then.."

"I'm in here." Following his voice, the young adult stepped into the room, plump lips turning into a grin. "Ah, you found my art room!"

"You made these paintings?"

Y/n looked at him a bit confused. "Of course I did, why would I keep someone
else's stuff?"


"I'm sorry." He apologized, to which y/n giggled at waving the man off. "I was just surprised..that a blind person..can create such beautiful paintings." Kokushibo took notice of some paint on her melanin-rich skin, even spotting a few decorating her white kimono.

"It's fine, there's no need to apologize." The dark woman caressed the moon painted canvas Kokushibo was entranced by with a relaxed expression. "I know it is quite a surprise, but being blind does not stop me from my passion. I began painting way before my vision worsened, still that never bothered me."

"It only aspired me to work harder and that goes for many others who are also visually impaired, " She continued. "Being blind does not stop us, it is just an obstacle one has to cross. Do you understand Kokushibo-san?"

The upper moon's gazed roamed to each and every single painting, observing silently. Y/n believed through hard work, she was able to gain success in creating fine pieces of work. However, Kokushibo thought otherwise.

"Hm. I understand."

He knew what it was like to put in hard work, to train day and night until you were bruised and sore. The high ranking demon would always remember the nights he sacrificed practicing. The tears, the constant frustration, the absolute envy of
being inferior.

All just to be on par with his late younger twin brother. It doesn't matter how much hard work
one puts in,

You can never beat born given talent.

You can never beat born given talent

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