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Humans are very frail and delicate beings.

They get sick easily, and every breath
they take could be their last.

Once a Human loses an arm, it cannot be replaced. Once a Human gets sick, there's a possibility they won't get better. If a Human is not rich or from a well off family, they are better off seen as dirt. Worthless.

Humans can't run as fast as a lioness can, we don't have the wings to soar in the air as willingly as a bird. We do not have the strength equal to that of a boar and we can only stay in water for a short period of time before losing the oxygen in our lungs. If we don't eat food for weeks we die from starvation. If we don't drink water for days we die from dehydration. We are nothing compared to our animal and supernatural counterparts. But fortunately, we do have something.

The will to survive.

Everything we do is to survive.

Every human has the will to live, whether we want it or not. Whether we want to use that will for good or bad, humans will do just anything to live.

"Just because we are fragile, " the voice continued. Gentle and clear as day. The owner of the voice held out her hand as a snowflake gracefully landed unto her hand. The icy substance melted into her warm, tender skin before more snow continued to fall soon after from the cloudy grey skies. "Does not mean we cannot
fight to live."

Her grey irises flickered unto another presence sitting next to her,  the male silently listening to her chatter. His huge frame towered over her short stature, and his skin pale as the snow that fell upon them. The edges of her lips curved into a smile, hearing the happy yips from her pup that laid in his lap as the male patted his fur.  The trio sat under a big tree that was not far off from an old house, her leaves long gone and dead due to the freezing temperature.

"Isn't that right Koku-san?"

Kokushibo glanced at the dark-skinned woman beside him, yellow orbs peering intently into her hazy sliver. The upper moon couldn't help but continue to stare, her words sinking into his skin.

No matter how many times he stared at her, Kokushibo...truly could never get tired looking
at her. It was as if she got beautiful with every fleeting day.

"...Hm." He spoke. "I suppose...you are right." His inhumane heart couldn't help but beat faster at the sight of seeing her smile widen, pleased by his response.

He hadn't felt such a feeling in so long.

"We should get in, the snow seems to be getting heavier." she hummed, getting up and walking back to the shabby rundown house. The fluffy black dog Kokushibo held in his hand barked, running towards the house. Already ahead of her. "Katsumi don't run into the house, you might slip and fall!" Y/N suppressed a giggle upon hearing Katsumi whine in protest. She turned to the upper moon's direction, sensing he hadn't moved from his spot.

"Koku-san, Would you like to stay over for some tea?"

Kokushibo remained unmoving under the tree, watching the snowfall unto his palm with mild interest before snapping out of his daze and getting up. The demon knew very well he couldn't drink tea. But nonetheless agreed.


Humans are weak.

Humans are very frail and delicate beings.

And honestly, the man couldn't care less about them. He threw away his humanity centuries ago the second he ate his first human.

But..he would protect this one. Just her, and only her.

She was his home, and he would do anything to protect his home.

Even if he had to rewrite the stars.

Even if he had to rewrite the stars

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