Shocking Discovery

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I was really unmotivated to write this chapter but I had an amazing idea given to me that gave me the motivation I needed to write this. So, thank you for all your help SweetSpicySaff xx


A month after Logan had decided that he wanted Patton to turn him, the couple sat in the library of the vampire clan's home.

"Are you sure about this, Logan? You've seen how difficult it's been for my brother to adjust to life as a human... adjusting to life as a vampire will be a lot harder, and very dangerous if you don't learn to control yourself quickly."

The nerd sat down in front of the lit fireplace, legs crossed.

"I know it'll be difficult, but I love you, Patton. I want you to turn me so we can be together for eternity. Please... I trust you."

"Alright then. Just to let you know, this may hurt a bit."

With a nod to let Patton know he understood, he closed his eyes and leaned his head to the side. The vein in his neck drew Patton in. The scent of the nerd's blood was overwhelming. Kneeling beside Logan, the vampire leaned in, sniffing at Logan's neck before piercing the skin and biting down lightly. A small since escaped Logan as this happened.

"P-Patton, what are you doing?"

"Sorry..." he mumbled quietly as he pulled away after injecting some of the venom needed to turn him.

"I almost lost control. I may have drank a little bit of your blood."

Logan chuckled, hugging him.

"It's okay. I don't mind."

Pain suddenly shot through Logan's body, it came in waves and left him crying and screaming in agony. Roughly an hour passed before the screams ceased.


Patton held him close, shaking him gently.

"Wake up. It's over now."

Logan showed no signs of waking. He was white as a sheet, his skin cold to the touch.

"I guess I should let you rest..."

The young vampire stood, lifting Logan bridal style and carrying him upstairs. Before reaching the bedroom however, Logan's body slowly began to fade, until it had disappeared completely.

"What the- Logan?!" he called out, quickly doing a lap of the house to see if he was still nearby.

There was no sign of him.

"No..." he breathed out.

He ran to his room and sat down on the bed, thinking. He didn't understand what had happened. He didn't understand how Logan could've just vanished.

"Patton..." a voice echoed in his ears as Logan appeared in front of him, though he was significantly more... transparent.

"Y-you're here? What happened to you? You're-"

Logan shrugged.

"Something must have gone wrong during my transition. I don't know what exactly, but I died. I'm here right now, but I can't stay forever. I have maybe an hour, two at most."

Tears filled Patton's eyes, he looked down, ashamed of himself.

"This is all my fault."

"Patton, it's not-"

"I was so selfish. I should've risked dying so I'd become human, then you'd still be alive. I killed you. You're dead because all I cared about was saving myself. I'm so sorry..." he sobbed.

Logan frowned. He hated hearing Patton talk like that. He didn't blame him, so he shouldn't blame himself.

"Patton, look at me..." he spoke softly.

"No. I can't. I-"

"I said look at me." his voice was more commanding this time.

Sniffling, the distraught vampire looked up at him, tears flowing down his pale cheeks.

"Now listen to me. Don't blame yourself for this. There was absolutely no way you could've known that this would happen. We both agreed to do this because it had the least risks. Unfortunately, it didn't work out for us. We have to accept that these things just happen, love. Okay?"

He shook his head.

"I refuse to accept that. There has to be a way to keep you here, and I'm going to find it. I can't lose you."

Patton rushed down to the library and grabbed every book he could find that might help, he then returned to his room and sat at his desk, starting to flip through them. He finally found something that could work, but he needed to do it fast, they only had about 30 minutes left. After giving Logan a brief explanation of what he was going to do, they got started.

"I just need to grab something I can use for this." he told Logan, getting up and going to his mother's room.

He searched through drawers and jewellery boxes, glad that his mother was still away. She wouldn't be happy with him rummaging through her things the way he was. It was only a few minutes before he found an old pendant, it had been his father's.


When the door to Patton's room opened again, Logan looked over at him curiously.

"I don't have long left. Please tell me you found something."

"Yep. This should work."

He held it up to show the nerd before putting it around his neck.

"Once the process is complete, you'll be able to stay here with me as long as you wish to. Ready?"

"Ready." he spoke, no hesitation in his voice.

Patton stood in front of Logan. With one hand, he gripped the pendant, with the other, he held Logan's hand. He couldn't feel him, but he could see that their hands were linked, fingers laced together. Closing his eyes, the young vampire quietly whispered the spell he'd found previously. A white aura surrounded the pendant, then slowly faded as the spell came to an end. Patton could feel Logan's hand now and, opening his eyes, he smiled brightly as he was no longer able to see through his boyfriend.

"D-did it really work?"

Logan nodded with a sweet smile, moving his hand to rest on Patton's cheek.

"It did. Now we never have to be apart. I'll be by your side every moment of every day. You'll be sick of me soon enough." he said with a chuckle.

Patton shook his head.

"I don't think that's possible. I'll never get sick of you. Never."

"Likewise. Now, all we need to do is figure out how we're going to explain what's happened..."

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