Going Home Together

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It was currently in the early hours of the morning, around 3:30am, Logan and Patton sat together at the foot of an old oak tree in the centre of the forest.

"Logan, do you ever just get a feeling that any minute something bad could happen?" he questioned.

"Because, since yesterday morning when Virgil left to go and stay with Roman again, I've had this pit in my stomach. I'm terrified that something horrible is going to happen."

Logan wrapped an arm around him and, with a gentle smile, tried his best to reassure him.

"Oh, Patton, I'm sure you have no reason to worry. For starters, Roman loves Virgil and will always do everything in his power to keep him safe. Plus, he's a Black family vampire who was able to kill his own father... I'm pretty confident that he can protect himself."

"Okay. Y-yeah, I guess you're right..." he mumbled, still sounding unsure.

Deciding not to push it, the blue-eyed nerd sighed quietly and rested his chin atop Patton's head. The two of them sat in a comfortable silence until the sun began to rise and Patton had to head home. Before the eldest Black brother could run, Logan gently wrapped his hand around the boy's wrist. This made said boy look up at him with a questioning expression on his face. Logan smiled.

"I-if you wanted to hang out for longer, you could come back to mine. I mean, I'd come to yours but you live with a huge group of vampires and I don't trust them the way I do you. Plus, my parents are away for a week so we'd have the place to ourselves. It is up to you though. If you really want to go home, I won't stop you..."

A soft giggle made Logan trail off and he looked at Patton curiously.

"What's so funny?"

"You were rambling. Lo, I'd love to spend more time wit you at your place."

He looked up at the sky.

"We should hurry though. The sun is almost up and I don't really want to end up as a pile of ashes."

Logan took Patton's hand into his own and began walking quickly, out of the forest and into the Berry family home.

"I know this probably isn't much compared to what you're used to, but it's home."

Walking around, looking at the photos that lined the walls made Patton smile.

"Actually, I prefer this place yo my house. At home, people are constantly in and out, usually due to their hunting schedules. I'd rather it were just me, mother and Virgil. It would be so peaceful."

The vampire's tone was longing and he had a far off look in his eyes. Frowning slightly, Logan walked up to him and set a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"You okay, love?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine..." he said quietly as he snapped out of it, glancing up at Logan before turning his attention back to the photographs.

"Can I see your room?"

"Sure thing. Come on."

Leading Patton up the stairs, he took quiet, deep breaths. The ground floor of the house was sparsely decorated, but his room was even less so. There wasn't a single photograph or poster to be seen. A single clock was the only item adorning the wall. He had a double bed in the centre of the room along with an old wooden desk along the back wall, underneath the window. Patton looked around with a small smile on his face.

"You've not been in my room before but you'd be surprised at how similar it is to yours, Lo. Father never really allowed us to have anything colourful up on the walls."

After looking out of the window, wanting to see what the view was like from Logan's room, the vampire sat down on the edge of the bed beside the nerdy boy.

"Patton, I-"

"Logan, I-"

They had both started to speak in unison before stopping with light blushes on their cheeks.

"You go first..." they spoke in unison once again.

Logan chuckled softly.

"Allow me?"

Patton nodded, happily holding Logan's hand as he looked at him.

"It hasn't been that long since I said that me and you should give this a go but, I've been thinking, maybe we shouldn't be treating this as some stupid trial, so to speak. Patton, I want to be with you... for real. I-I love you."

Tears pooled in his eyes, he was taken aback by what Logan had just said.

"A-are you serious? You really love me?"

"Of course I do. It's not often I express my feelings so I wouldn't lie to you about this. I promise you."

"I love you too, Lolo..."

The blue-eyed boy smiled as he pulled Patton into a gentle hug. After a few minutes, Logan got up and grabbed his laptop.

"Wanna watch a movie?"

Leaning back against the headboard, Patton nodded. When Logan sat beside him, he felt a weight on his shoulder and was happy to see that it was Patton's head, resting upon it. The two of them very quickly on a movie and watched it together, the laptop resting on Logan's lap. As they watched the movie, Patton stopped worrying about Virgil. After all, the young nerd was probably right. Everything would be okay.

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