Heart To Heart

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Thanks to, mostly Roman, the first week of Virgil living as a human went smoothly. The young couple and Rosa were content living day by day, dealing with any issues that happened to crop up regarding the ex vampire and him adjusting to his new life.


"Hey, Logan... I just wanted to call and check in. I've left you other voicemails too, I don't know if you saw. Please call me back as soon as you can. All I want is to know that you're okay. I love you...."

'End of message. To hear this message again, press-'

The automated voice was cut off as Logan deleted the voicemail. It was the fifth one he'd received that morning, and it was only 9:30am. Since he'd left the Prince house prematurely, lying to Patton about why, the nerd had been hiding himself away at home. He listened to all of the messages Patton left for him, but never responded once. He couldn't, if he told him the truth about what was wrong, he might misunderstand.


Virgil groaned as he was woke by the sound of knocking at the front door. He curled into Roman's side, trying to ignore it. When the light coming in through the bedroom window was blocked, Roman stirred. Glancing over, he saw Patton and sat up.

"What are you doing here so early?" the young Prince asked with a sigh.

Virgil had fallen asleep again.

"I-I'm sorry... I just didn't know where else to go." he spoke quietly, looking down.

The morning sun shone down, illuminating the tear tracks on Patton's cheeks. Carefully, so he wouldn't wake his boyfriend, Roman got out of bed and walked Patton downstairs. They took a seat on the couch and then silence fell over them. After a few minutes, Patton started to speak.

"I think Logan hates me. I haven't seen him since we were here a week ago. He won't answer my calls. He's not responded to any of my messages or voicemails. What if he doesn't want to be with me anymore but he's just too scared to tell me? I can't lose him, Roman. I just can't-"

His nervous ramblings were cut off by the youngest Prince.

"Patton, you have to calm down, okay? I understand how you feel right now. I mean, if I were in your position and Virgil had been avoiding me all week, I'd start doubting things too, but that- it doesn't help anything. All you're doing by assuming the worst is hurting yourself."

Biting his lip, Patton nodded in understanding, looking down at his hands as he wrung them together.

"I-I guess you're right... What would you suggest I do then?"

"Go to his house." came Virgil's voice as he stood at the bottom of the stairs in a pair of gray sweatpants.

Roman smiled as he admired his boyfriend.

"I can't just turn up at his house, Virge. That could just make him hate me more."

"Then I'll go. I can ask him what's going on. Yeah?"

After receiving a simple nod in response, Virgil went to get dressed before kissing Roman goodbye and leaving the house. Looking down at the slip of paper containing the nerd's address, he smiled, happy it wasn't too far away. When he arrived, he wasted no time, knocking immediately. The door was opened by a woman in her late 30s.

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