Patton Black

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Having been a vampire for 18 years now, Patton had been a fully fledged member of the Black family for a little over a year. He and his father had always been close, so when he heard the news of his death, he was devastated. Nobody told Patton who or what was responsible for his father's death, but it was pretty easy to figure it out. Virgil hadn't been home since he'd saved Roman, and no one else would have the guts to murder the head of the Black family. Despite how close Patton was to their father, he couldn't bring himself to be angry or upset with Virgil. He was the only brother he had left, and he understood why Virgil had done what he did. It was all for love. Patton only hoped that, one day, he'd find someone to love him the way Virgil and Roman loved one another.

*Time Skip*

It had been a week since Virgil had returned home after the incident on Roman's birthday, and Patton didn't know what he could do to help him. Virgil had locked himself in his room and hadn't left it once, not even to feed.

"Come on. Open up, Vee..." pleaded Patton as he knocked on the door.

He heard no response and sighed.

"Fine. I'll leave you alone for a little while, but when I get back, you will leave this room." he stated confidently before walking away.

Though he knew that Virgil had come home to protect Roman, it was obvious to Patton that being away from the young Prince was tearing Virgil apart. He wasn't oblivious to the crying that came from his brother's room.

"Mother, I'm going to go and find Roman, and then I'm going to bring him back here. Virgil is miserable without him." he said as he walked into the living room.

His mother looked over from where she was, sat on the couch, reading her favourite book.

"Alright, just be careful. Not all humans are as kind as Roman.

Nodding, Patton slipped his shoes and baby blue hoodie on. He then left the house and ran to the border of the human territory. Hesitantly, he stepped over the border, pulling his hood up to stop the sun from hitting his skin. To say he was nervous was an understatement, this was his first time entering enemy territory after all. Keeping his ocean blue eyes fixed to the floor, Patton made his way through the village, towards the Prince household. It didn't take long to get there and Patton didn't hesitate, knocking straight away. A couple of seconds passed before the door opened. Roman stood, looking disheveled, hair a mess and eyes red and puffy from crying. He was taken aback seeing Patton stood on the doorstep but quickly stepped to the side, inviting him in.

"Patton, what are you doing here?" asked Roman, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Is something wrong? Is Virgil-"

"-Virgil is okay, sort of..." Patton said, cutting him off.

Roman let out a breath of relief and nodded. Patton put his hood down, glancing around the room.

"Are your parents here?"

Shaking his head, he sat on the couch.

"They're visiting a friend of theirs. They won't be back for another couple of hours."

 Taking a seat beside Roman, he nodded.

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