Home At Last

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Roman stayed with Virgil for a few days before he decided it was best he headed back home. It was currently 11am and the young Prince had been trying to leave for over an hour.

"You can't go! I can't stand being apart from you! Stay, please!" he pleaded, desperation clear in his voice.

Looking down at the tearful vampire, Roman sighed. Gently taking his hands, he held them against his chest.

"Love, I can't stay here forever. My parents want me home, they're my family."

Virgil looked down as tears slipped down his pale cheeks. Pulling his hands away, he turned and ran upstairs to his room. The hunter sighed.

"Virgil, come on!" he called after him.

Patton looked at Roman, having been standing off to the side, watching the tearful goodbye.

"He'll be fine. You can get back to your family. The same family who have tried to kill my brother, the guy you love, multiple times."

His tone was full of bitterness. He then turned and stormed upstairs to check on Virgil. Roman realised very quickly that Patton was correct. Multiple times his mother and father had tried to make Virgil leave or ro kill him, and each time he'd forgiven them without hesitation. Making his way up the stairs, walking into the bedroom which was currently occupied by the two brothers, his eyes landed on Virgil.

"I can't stand being away from you either..."

Roman gasped lightly as he was quickly engulfed in a hug.

"Thank you..." the vampire whispered gratefully.

"No need to thank me, Virge. I do need to go home though."

Virgil frowned.


"-But, you're more than welcome to come with me. Then, whenever you're missing your family, you're lucky enough to be able to get here in a matter of seconds to see them."

Nodding in agreement with Roman, he grabbed a bag and packed some clothes to take, as well as filling the box that Patton had given him previously back up with blood bags.

"I'm ready to go." he informed, bag on his back, holding the box in both hands so as not to drop it.

After saying goodbye to Patton, the young couple left the house in the woods and headed back to Roman's.

"Ro, your parents won't be happy to see me. Especially your father. Not only did I almost kill you, I tried to kill your father."

Sighing, the young Prince nodded slightly in agreement.

"My father is going to be angry at first, yes, but he'll understand that you didn't mean anything you did. You weren't yourself."

"That's where you're wrong, Ro."

Virgil sighed.

"My kind are supposed to be ruthless, blood-thirsty creatures. The person I was when I attacked you and your father is the person my parents raised me to be. That was the real me. Right now, I'm pushing away my natural vampire instincts because I don't want to hurt anyone else. Your father is right to hate me. You should too."

Virgil started to walk off ahead. Before he could get too far, he felt a hand wrap around his wrist. Roman's hand.

"I'm not stupid. You know that, right? When I met you, I knew exactly what type of person you could be. It was hard not to assume the worst because of the way I was brought up and the things my parents told me... I know how hard you have to fight to be around me without tearing me to shreds, and I hate being the reason you have to hide your true self. It must be torture for you, and I hate myself for putting you through that. The thing is, I can't leave you because I am so in love with you that it hurts when we're apart. I can't hate you. Honestly, I'm not sure that it's even possible for me to feel any kind of negative emotion towards you."

By the end of the hunter's small speech, there were tears in Virgil's eyes and streaming down his cheeks. With a small smile on his face, he sniffled softly.

"I love you, Virgil..."

"I love you too..."

Roman smiled his usual charming smile as he wiped away the vampire's tears and placed a gentle kiss atop his head.

"Let's get going, love. My parents are expecting me home today and I'm already later than I said I'd be."

The two of them continued their journey through the woods, eventually arriving at the Prince residence at about 2pm. Roman opened the front door for Virgil.


After walking inside, Virgil set the box and his bag down, freezing when he felt a pair of slender arms wrap around him. It was Roman's mother. When she pulled away, she held Virgil's face in her hands, looking at him with a soft yet serious expression.

"Don't you ever run away like that again. You were away for a week and you didn't send a single message to let us know you were okay."

Roman chuckled as he took Virgil's hand.

"I'm not the only one who missed you, Vee. Both me and my mother were worried about you. It's my father who'll take convincing, but I promise that he'll come around eventually."

With a nod, Virgil rested his head on Roman's shoulder and sighed contently.

"You boys can head upstairs. I'll bring your things up later."

Thanking his mother, Roman led Virgil upstairs and into his room. The couple sat by the window together as it started to rain. It was peaceful. They were happy.

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