A New Beginning

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As Patton had said, after a few months, Virgil began to feel more at ease living with Roman and Rose. Occasionally he'd still help out, but he wasn't as worried about it as he had been previously. They were just like a proper family, though Virgil felt as though something was missing. Something he couldn't really put his finger on.

Logan and Patton were happy together too, however they continued to look into ways to complete Logan's transition so that they wouldn't have to worry about suddenly losing each other. That was the one thing that neither of them would be able to deal with.

It was a few weeks after the four boys were settled in their new lives that Roman decided to shake things up a bit. For a while, the young Prince had been carrying around a custom-made engagement ring in his jacket pocket, and today was the day he'd finally do it. The day he'd finally propose. Roman being Roman, he made it an overly romantic proposal with flowers, chocolates, the works. Many tears were shed by both Virgil and Roman, as well as by Logan, Patton and Rose who were there to celebrate with them afterwards. As everyone was talking over drinks, Virgil stepped out onto the porch in order to be alone. His eyes focused in on the engagement ring and his thoughts were interrupted when strong arms wrapped around his waist, a gentle kiss placed on his cheek.

"What are you doing out here all alone? It's cold out..."

Roman wrapped his jacket around his now fiancé's shoulders.

"I'm just thinking about stuff..."

"Like what?"

"Like... the fact that I'm happier than I've ever been. I just feel like we could be even happier. Like there's something missing."

"What do you mean?"

Virgil frowned, gnawing at his bottom lip anxiously as he hesitated to tell him.

"Come on..." Roman pushed, nudging him gently.

Looking up at his fiancé, Virgil smiled wistfully.

"I want a baby..."

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