Losing Control

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It had been a week since Virgil had taken Roman to meet his mother, and it was now the young Prince's birthday. He was 18 now which, in the eyes of everyone but their families, made him older than Virgil. 

Virgil woke up early on the morning of Roman's birthday, and sat, looking out of the window. He would have loved to stay in bed with Roman until the boy woke, but he hadn't fed since visiting his mother, and didn't trust himself.

"What are you doing up this early?" Roman asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

Virgil turned to look at him.

"I just, couldn't sleep, I guess... happy birthday, by the way." 

Roman smiled and got out of the bed. He started to walk over to Virgil.

"I'd keep my distance if I were you..." he mumbled.

Roman stopped.

"Why? What's wrong?" he asked, slight concern lacing his voice. 

Virgil put his hand up to his throat, and Roman nodded in understanding.

"Drink from me..." he said shyly, in a voice that would be almost inaudible to humans.

Virgil shook his head.

"I can't. Your parents would hate me, and as soon as I got even one drop of your blood, my hunger would take over. I wouldn't be able to stop." 

Roman sighed and moved closer to Virgil until he was standing right in front of him. 

The young vampire wouldn't look at him.

"What my parents don't know, can't hurt them~" he began

He gently placed a hand on Virgil's cheek.

"~and I trust you."

He moved the collar of his shirt, so that Virgil had easier access to his neck.

"Virge, you need to drink..." 

Virgil brought his lips to Roman's neck and kissed it softly.

"Are you sure about this?" 

Roman nodded and tangled his fingers in Virgil's hair, pulling him closer to his neck. 

The boy hesitated before sinking his fangs in. At the first taste, his eyes began to glow red. He could feel himself losing control and found himself unable to pull away. 

Roman hissed in pain.

"Okay, Virgil, you have to stop now..." 

Virgil had Roman against the wall, hands pinned by his side. He didn't stop.

"Virgil, stop. You're hurting me." he said, as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Stop, Virgil!" he screamed.

Moments later, Roman's parents ran into the room. His dad shot at Virgil with a small pistol, loaded with wooden bullets. Virgil let go of Roman, as the bullet hit his leg. 

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