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By the time they arrived at the house in the woods, it was around 9:30pm. Patton led Roman upstairs and, once outside Virgil's room, he looked up at him with a serious expression.

"I know you've missed him, and it's so obvious to me that he has missed you too, but please be careful..." he said nervously.

"He's hurt you before. If that happens again, it'll be so much worse. Virgil will kill you. Promise me, whatever you do, you'll keep your distance from him."

Realising how worried the grey eyed vampire seemed, Roman nodded.

"I'll keep my distance, I promise..."

Patton sighed, nodding slightly as he quickly picked the lock on the door.

"Good luck..."

Taking a deep breath, Roman opened the door, walking into the pitch black room.

"Virgil?" he called gently into the darkness.

Turning his back to the room, shutting the door, his guard was down. A strangled gasp escaped the young Prince as he felt a hand tightly gripping his throat and he was slammed against the wall, finding himself staring into Virgil's red, glowing eyes.

"Y-you should-shouldn't be h-here." came the shaky voice of the starving vampire. 

Roman wasn't frightened of Virgil, he just watched him with soft eyes.

"Vee... Patton came to find me because he's worried about you. H-he told me you've not been eating. You're killing yourself, Virgil. I can't lose you..."

Tears started to flow down Roman's cheeks as he slowly moved his hand up to cup Virgil's pale cheek. Gently, he brushed his thumb over the vampire's bottom lip.  

"I love you..." he whispered.

Virgil stumbled back slightly, blinking a few times. His eyes stopped glowing, returning to their natural purple colour.

"Roman..." he breathed out.

A single tear rolled down his cheek. 

"You came for me..."

Roman smiled and nodded.

"Of course I did. When Patton turned up at my house and told me how you were, I had to come and help you get better. He said you'd been been starving yourself and I was terrified that you were going to die. Just the thought of it broke my heart."

Virgil didn't say anything, just hugged the young Prince tightly, burying his head in his chest. 

"I'm s-so hungry..." he whimpered. 

The lights turned on and Patton stood, leaning against the door frame, a box of blood bags in his hands.

"I figured it was best I brought you some blood to drink before you ripped Roman's throat out."

Virgil frowned at the thought.

"I guess that is a real possibility considering how hungry I am right now..." he said sadly. 

Taking a step back, away from Roman, he sighed. He walked over to Patton and took the box from him, then setting it down on his bed and sitting down. 

"I'll take Roman to the library. You can meet us there once you've finished drinking."

Nodding, Virgil quickly downed the first pint of blood as Patton led Roman out. Five minutes and 100 pints of blood later, the vampire, who was feeling significantly stronger, entered the library. A fond smile appeared on Roman's face the second he saw him. He got up and walked over, pulling the smaller boy into a tight hug.

"Feeling better, love?"

Virgil wrapped his arms around Roman, hugging back just as tight. Nodding, he buried his head in the hunter's chest, sighing contently. Patton smiled.

"I'll leave you two alone." he spoke, then walking out.

Roman and Virgil sat down together and spoke for hours, while Patton threw on a hoodie and left the house. He wanted to see if he could find Logan, the guy he'd met in the woods, despite it only being around 3am. Patton stopped when he reached the part of the woods he'd met the attractive nerd in, looking around for any clue as to which direction he went. There was nothing to be found. Sighing with disappointment, he turned and started to walk back home but stopped in his tracks when he heard someone call his name. Patton instantly recognised the voice and he grinned as he turned to be met with a pair of dark blue eyes that he found himself drawn to.

"You came back?" Logan questioned, standing merely a couple of centimetres in front of him.

"Yeah... I just wanted to see you again. I figured coming back to this spot was my best chance. Honestly, I wasn't expecting you to be here."

"Right, well, maybe a part of me came here hoping I'd run into you again."

Blushing, Patton looked up at him with bright eyes.

"You did? Why?" questioned the smaller male, a little confused.

Logan chuckled softly as he took Patton's hands into his own.

"Is it not obvious?" he asked.

In response, Patton shook his head which made Logan sigh.

"I don't know what it is about you, but I feel drawn to you. Don't get me wrong, I've heard the stories from my parents' friends about vampires and how dangerous they are, but I don't believe that the things they say apply to all of your kind. They certainly don't seem to apply to you."

Logan sighed again when Patton still didn't seem to understand.

"What I'm trying to say, Patton, is that I want us to give this a go. We can get to know each other and then, hopefully, it will become something more. Would you be up for that?" he asked hopefully.

The vampire nodded, hugging him excitedly.

"I'd love that."

He pulled away, smiling shyly.


"Don't be. It was actually kind of nice."

Patton nodded, using his speed to his advantage as he took Logan's phone out of his back pocket, inputting his number before putting it back.

"I should get going. Call me later, okay?"

He didn't even wait for an answer, instead turning around and running back home. Logan was confused until he checked his phone and saw Patton's name in his contacts. Smiling, he shook his head slightly.

"God, I love that kid." the blue eyed nerd said quietly to himself.

With one last glance in the direction Patton had run off in, he headed home only to be on call to said vampire for the rest of the night. Logan was extremely tired and, at 9:30am, he drifted off on the call. Patton smiled fondly when he realised that he'd fallen asleep.

"Sleep well, Lo..."

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