A Broken Family

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After a couple of hours, Virgil and Roman heard the front door open and then slam shut loudly.

"Where is he?!" came the angry voice of Mr Prince.

"Calm down, my love. Please..."

Roman's father shook his head as he started up the stairs, bursting into his son's room, face bright red out of anger. 

"This isn't happening!" he yelled as he glared at Virgil.

"Do you seriously think you can just waltz back in here a week after trying to murder me and my boy?!"

The vampire shook with fear as he looked up at the furious hunter. Tears pooled in his eyes.

"Dad, stop." warned Roman. 

"You wormed your way into our lives, took advantage of my family's hospitality, then tried to kill us! I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt when I first found out what you were, but you're not welcome here anymore! You're a monst-"

He was cut off by a hard punch from Roman, making him stop for a couple of seconds. Those few short seconds were all Roman needed. 

"How dare you?!"

"Wh-" his father began, holding his jaw.

"-What happened?" said a meek, curious voice.

All eyes went to Roman's mother, the source of the voice. Her eyes scanned over the three males in the room, settling on Virgil. She walked over to him and pulled him into her arms. Roman looked at her.

"Can you take him downstairs, mother? Stay with him, help him calm down?"

"Of course."

When it was only Roman and his father left in the room, it was tense to say the least.

"You hit me..." the man said in disbelief.

"You deserved it." Roman responded simply.

"Who gave you the right to speak to Virgil that way? You need to understand that I love him and he's not leaving. If him staying here bothers you, then I suggest you find another place to stay. Trust me, mother and I would much rather have Virgil staying here than you."

Clenching his jaw, the man went to his room and packed a bag of essentials. Roman watched him, then headed downstairs to see Virgil.

"Oh, love..." the hunter spoke quietly.

He walked over and sat on the couch beside him, wrapping an arm around him.

"What's your father doing?"

Roman sighed.

"He's leaving. For tonight at least."

Sniffling softly, Virgil rested his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"This is all my fault. I shouldn't have come back. The last thing I wanted was to tear your family apart."

Footsteps descended the stairs and Virgil kept his eyes on the floor as the other two members of the Prince family looked over at the man.

"If you didn't want to tear us apart, you should've stayed away from my son in the first place. Vampires and hunters aren't meant for each other."

As he started to cry again, Virgil hugged Roman's arm, resting his forehead against it now.

"Father, just leave. Unless you'd rather be thrown out?"

"Fine. I'm leaving. Just know... that freak will pay for turning you against me."

With that, he walked out of the front door. Roman's mother immediately locked it. Lifting his head, Virgil looked up at Roman.

"I'm s-so sorry..."

"Virgil, you have absolutely nothing to apologise for." Mrs Prince reassured as she knelt in front of him and held his hands in her own.

Virgil cried silently as he looked down at her and was met with a gentle smile.

"Don't listen to a word he said. You are not responsible for what is happening, okay? My husband is wrong to put the blame on you. It is him that is tearing this family apart. Roman loves you so much, and you're like a son to me. We think of you as family and until my husband can accept that, he's not welcome to stay here or to even step foot in this house. Do you understand?"

After a few seconds, he nodded. Smiling, Mrs Prince let go of his hands and gently wiped away his tears. 20 minutes later, Virgil had fallen asleep, laying on the couch with his head resting on Roman's lap.

"Mother..." spoke Roman, clearly wanting to ask something.

She looked at her son with a gentle smile and soft eyes.

"What is it, sweetheart?"

"I'm worried. Do you think father meant what he said? You know, about making Virgil pay? I-I'm only asking because, if he meant it, that means that Virgil is in danger and- and I'm not sure if I'm strong enough to protect him. I'm so terrified that dad will kill him. I wouldn't be able to handle that..." he said sadly, looking down at the boy , lightly caressing his cheek.

"I can't be sure of your father's intentions, but no matter what, we'll do everything we can to protect Virgil. He's family now."

Roman nodded.

"Now, get him upstairs so that he can sleep comfortably. It's getting late anyways."


The hunter carefully got up, lifting Virgil bridal style and taking him upstairs into his room. Peeling back the covers, Roman gently laid his sleeping boyfriend down onto it before climbing in beside him.

"I swear I'll protect you from my father..." he whispered.

"I'd rather die than let anything happen to you..."

Holding Virgil close, he pulled the covers over the two of them. After a few minutes, his eyes fell shut as he drifted off to sleep with the boy he loved in his arms.

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