Explaining Themselves

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After the events that had occurred, the young couple took a few days to just be together. Almost losing Logan had made Patton realise that the two of them hadn't actually spent that much time together since they'd started dating. He wanted that to change now that the spell was giving them a second chance. In the days they spent relaxing together, the two of them had made the decision to just tell the truth about the events that had transpired. They didn't want to deceive Virgil and Roman.

The next morning in the Prince house, Virgil rushed around making breakfast for Roman and Rose. Since he'd started staying with them, he had felt quite burdensome and wanted to do something for them to show how grateful he was for their hospitality. He set the table, three cups of coffee and three plates with bacon, eggs and sausage were set on the wooden surface.

"Perfect." he said with a smile.

Upstairs, Roman was only now waking up. Reaching his arm across to the other side of the bed, he frowned, met with empty sheets.


The young Prince sat up as a knock sounded.

"Come in."

His mother opened the door and stepped into the room.

"I smell breakfast... Virgil must have been busy."

"I know. I keep telling him he doesn't have to do things like this, though... he just- I don't know..."

Rose smiled slightly.

"You know him better than anyone, Roman. Well, apart from his brother. Why not try talking to Patton? Maybe he can shed some light on why Virgil is behaving the way he is."

"Yeah, that's actually a very good idea.  Thanks, mom."

Roman got out of bed and then headed downstairs with his mother. He walked straight over to Virgil, greeting him with a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning. Thanks for making breakfast... it wasn't necessary though."

Virgil shrugged.

"I wanted to. Anyway, you both came down at the perfect time. I just finished setting all this up and was about to come and get you."

The three of them took their seats. The newest addition to their family looked at Rose and Roman expectantly as they started to eat.

"It's delicious, Virgil." Rose assured him before taking another bite.

After letting out a relieved breath, Virgil began to eat his food. While he was eating, somebody knocked on the front door.

"I'll get it." Roman stood and went to answer the door, having finished eating by now.

Rose was done too, Virgil was a slow eater. Footsteps entered the house, then Patton's voice sounded.

"Sorry to drop by unannounced. We need to tell you all something..."

"Brother!" Virgil exclaimed excitedly, leaving most of his food as he rushed over to Patton and hugged him.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too, Vee..."

Roman sighed and looked at Virgil.

"You really should finish eating. As a human, you need plenty of food to survive."

He then turned to Patton.

"I need to speak with you privately. Can you spare a moment?"

"Sure. Logan, do you mind filling Virgil and Rose in on what's happened? I'll update Roman during our chat."

The nerd nodded and walked over to the kitchen table, sitting down with the two people still sat there. He started to explain everything to them.

Roman stepped outside with Patton, who filled him in on everything that had happened in the past few days before asking what it was the young Prince wished to speak with him about.

"Well, it's about Virgil."

"Is it anything serious? Has he been eating properly? Is he having trouble adjusting to being human?"

"You can calm down, Patton... it's nothing like that. Actually, he's adjusting a lot better than I thought. I wanted to talk to you about how Virgil is behaving."

Patton looked at him, a little confused.

"He seems alright to me..."

"He's okay in himself, but he acts more like a servant than a member of the family. He's always awake before me; making breakfast. He cleans or goes out to run errands every day, and then he comes to bed after I've already fallen asleep. I've told him it's not necessary, he just doesn't listen."

Patton thought about what he'd just been told for a few seconds before responding.

"Virgil has always been that way, you just never saw it much because he wasn't living with you. The thing is, he's always felt like a burden to those around him. By cooking for you, cleaning for you, running errands for you, he feels like he's making up for the 'imposition'."

"So... What can I do to stop him from worrying about those things?"

" just keep reassuring him... Offer to help out with the cooking once in a while. Stuff like that. Over time, he'll start to feel more like a part of your family and will forget about doing all of that all the time. Don't worry, it'll be fine."

Roman smiled gratefully at the eldest Black brother. When the two of them walked back inside, Virgil was the first to greet them.

" can you believe it, Ro? Logan died... I mean, wow. At least it worked out... You two can be happy together for a long time. It's kind of sad I'll have to leave you one day, Patton."

A small frown showed briefly on the Virgil's face before he hid it with a smile.

" I guess it's my fault for pissing off Mr Prince, huh?"

" don't you ever think like that, Virgil! Nothing that has happened is your fault. None of it. Understand?" his boyfriend told him.

"Yeah... I suppose you're right. Anyway, all we can do now is make the most of the time we have left together, right?"

Patton, Roman and Logan all smiled at Virgil, nodding.

"Right." the three of them said in unison.

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