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"Virgil, you're alive!" Patton exclaimed excitedly as he engulfed his brother in a tight hug.

Giggling, he nodded.

"Not for much longer though if you keep squeezing me so tight. I can barely breathe."

Patton let go of him, stepping back slightly.

"I'm not being any rougher than usual, Vee..."

Frowning, the boy looked down, fiddling with the sleeves of his hoodie. Now that he was human, his life would change dramatically. He was no longer immortal which meant he was weaker and could be killed more easily than before. Sensing that Virgil was upset, Mrs Prince walked over to him and gently held his cheek. With a sweet smile on her face, she spoke. 

"You must be hungry. Want me to make you some food?"

Roman smiled.

"I can do it, mother."

As Roman took Virgil through to the kitchen, the others sat back down. Patton leaned his head on Logan's shoulder.

"Mrs Prince-"

"Call me Rosa, please..."

"Okay. Rosa, my brother will be okay, right?" he asked hopefully.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. Becoming human is going to be a big adjustment, but he's strong, we all know that. Not to mention, now that he's human,, he and Roman can live a long and happy life together."

Upon hearing that, Logan looked over at Rosa, realising that he wanted to grow old with Patton, but couldn't. Mrs Prince continued.

"The threat of my husband is gone, so hopefully things should be pretty calm around here from now on."

Logan stood, excusing himself before leaving. He put his hands in his pockets as he started to head home, stopping when Patton appeared in front of him.

"You should stay here with your brother. I mean, he literally just came back from the dead."

"Exactly. Which means I can go back there and see him whenever I want. You left so suddenly and you seemed upset. Talk to me, Lo." he said as he gently took ahold of the nerd's hand.

With a sigh, Logan pulled his hand away.

"It's nothing, Patton. I just don't feel well so I'm going home."

"Well, let me come with you. I can make you some soup, or-"

"No. Patton, I'm going home by myself. I want to be alone."

He walked past the vampire, continuing to walk home. It only took him a few minutes to get there and, once inside, he dropped down onto the couch.


"Are you alright? You haven't touched your food." Roman said, taking a sear on the stool beside Virgil's.

"It's just weird, you know? I've lived my whole life as a vampire, drinking blood and blood only... Now, here I am with a plate of human food in front of me, and I don't know how to feel about it. I don't even know if I'll like it."

Roman sighed, knowing there was more to it.

"This isn't just about the food, is it? You seem off, even for someone who just came back to life after a week long coma."

Virgil turned to face Roman, sighing and with a frown.

"Vee, what was it like? I mean, being in a coma, could you feel things? See things? Hear things?2

"It was- It-"

"Take your time, love..."

"After your father killed me, everything went black, as you'd expect. Then, I could feel myself being moved and then set down. Y-you dressed my wounds and put me in fresh clothes, at least I assume it was you."

Roman nodded, holding Virgil's hand and gently brushing his thumb over the boy's knuckles. 

"After that, I felt nothing. Each day I was in the coma, I relived that day. I kept reliving the moment that your father drove that stake through my heart. Even now, I can't get that image out of my head. Today, before I woke up, I could hear you talking to me. I tried to reach out to you, but nothing happened. Then my heart started beating, I felt myself starting to breathe, and I was confused."

Virgil smiled slightly, looking down at their hands, lacing their fingers together.

"When I opened my eyes and you were right there, I-I was so happy. I had been terrified that I wasn't going to see you again, but now, I'm terrified that I won't be able to live up to everything that's expected of me now that I'm human."

A sad smile appeared on Roman's face.

"Love, we all know how hard it's going to be for you to adjust to being human, and none of us expect you to be great at it. Especially not straight away. Me and my mother will help you to get the hang of it, and-and if you really can't handle it, your mother or brother can always turn you back."

The ex vampire looked uncertain. 

"Vee, trust me, okay? Everything will work out in the end and whatever the outcome, it'll be for the best. As long as we have each other, we can get through anything."

Roman held his hand in a comforting manner, pressing a gentle kiss to the anxious boy's forehead. The confidence in which the young Prince's words were spoken made Virgil believe that maybe, just maybe, he'd be okay living as a human.


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 Instagram:  _multifandomaccount16_

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