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A week had passed since Mr Prince had murdered Virgil, and Roman hadn't left his side, not even once. Everyday, his mother would go to check on him, and every single time was the same. She'd walk into the room to see her son sat on the edge of the bed, holding the vampire's ice cold hand in his own. The only thing that did change each time was the bags under Roman's eyes, gradually becoming darker the longer he went without sleeping. Patton had been visiting everyday, Logan always by his side, giving him a shoulder to cry on should he need it. Even Mrs Black had visited, but only once, she couldn't handle the fact that another of her sons was dead.

"Roman..." spoke the soft voice of Mrs Prince.

The woman took a seat on her son's desk chair, slightly nervous as she thought carefully about what she was going to say and about what Roman's reaction may be.

"I know how much you love Virgil, but it's been a week now. We all want him to be okay, really we do, but he's shown absolutely no signs of waking. I-I think it's time to let him go..."

Surprisingly, the grieving Prince nodded.

"You're right. I know that you're right, I just-"

A sob escaped him as he looked at his mother, tears rapidly streaming down his cheeks.

"I don't know hot to go on without him. I keep thinking that if I'd gotten home faster, then maybe he'd still be alive. I blame myself for his death. It should have been me."

Roman sighed and turned his attention back to the body of the boy he loved so dearly. His mother stood.

"I'll leave you to say your goodbyes and then we can lay him to rest."

She gently kissed the top of his head before stepping out of the room and walking downstairs where Logan, Patton and Mrs Black were now waiting. Upon seeing Roman's mother descending the stairs, Patton stepped forward.

"Is it time?" he asked sadly.

"Nearly. Roman is just saying his final goodbyes and then we can bury Virgil and allow him to rest in peace..."

Silence fell over them as they waited patiently for Roman to be done. Upstairs, the young Prince now lay on the bed beside Virgil, holding the vampire's body close as he sobbed.

"Please come back to me, Virgil... I need you. Just wake up. Please..." he pleaded quietly.

After a few minutes, Roman got up, there having been no response to his pleas. Leaning down, he lightly pressed his lips against Virgil's cold ones.

"I love you..." he whispered.

Turning around, he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. With a sad expression, the boy slowly headed down the stairs.

"I'm ready now." he spoke, tears in his eyes.

Mrs Prince hugged him gently to comfort him.

"Let's get on with it and put my boy to rest then."

Upstairs, colour started to appear in Virgil's cheeks. His skin was less pale and his cheeks were a light pink. A big change was happening inside his body too. Slowly, his heart started to beat, settling into a steady rhythm. Blood pumped through his veins for the first time ever. His teeth were no longer sharp fangs. His chest moved with each breath he took.

"What's that smell?" asked Patton.

"It smells human. There's someone else in the house. Upstairs."

Roman quickly ran up the stairs, wanting to make sure Virgil's body hadn't been touched. He rushed into the room, eyes widening when he saw the movement of the boy's chest.


Mrs Prince walked in after about 10 seconds.

"What's wrong, Roman?"

"He's alive. Like, alive alive..."

Walking over to Virgil, she checked his pulse.

"How is that possible?"

The young Prince shrugged slightly, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"I'll go and tell the others." his mother said, then left the room.

When it was just the two boys left alone in the room, Virgil's eyes slowly opened, now a light brown colour.

"He's alive. He- he's human." Roman's mother informed the others when she got back downstairs.

Mrs Black, Patton and Logan looked at her, slightly shocked. Mrs Prince continued.

"We should give them some time. Then, we can all see him."

Patton hugged Logan tightly, relieved. Virgil looked around before his eyes settled on Roman and he smiled.


"I thought I'd lost you." he said as he hugged the newly human boy tightly.

"I'm right here, Ro. Always..."

"Always..." Roman said back to him.

"I love you..." the two of the whispered in unison.

After around an hour, the couple headed downstairs, hand in hand. The four people sat down there stood when they heard the footsteps. Virgil looked between the four of them.

"You guys look like you've seen a ghost." the boy spoke with a playful smile.

"Did you miss me?"

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